Chapter 58

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(A/N Notes: ... Geez, my mind has been going all over the place, but none of them actually helped me write, and when I noticed it was already Saturday

But I got three chapters on time, so it's already a good start)

It was a Sunday morning, and Yuriko with the help of her mother and Takeru's mother, they were cleaning her apartment, since it wasn't too big, and it didn't have many things occupying space, the cleaning was finished quickly due to the presence of three people


But Yuriko felt like something was missing, but she couldn't get a gist of what she was missing or forgetting. Meanwhile, Kanga and Emily were talking to each other

"So Emily-san, how do you think your Friday will be this week?"

"Friday?... Ah, right! It'll be a Friday thirteen this week won't it? That brings back memories"

"What kind of memories?"

"From the day Takkun was born, it was also a Friday Thirteen..."


Yuriko at hearing that suddenly remembered what she was forgetting, and she remained silent for a few more seconds


Yuriko's sudden scream surprised Kaga and Emily, as she fell to her knees

" "!?" "


"W, what wrong, Yu-chan?"

Kaga worried about her daughter, asked Yuriko what was wrong

"I, I..."


"I forgot about Takeru's birthday... And Didn't buy a present for him yet..."

"Aah... So that's what you got so worried about... Don't worry, you can just show yourself naked in front of him and say that you're the present"

"That's indecent!"

"Says you who's already pregnant"


Yuriko couldn't argue what her mother had just told her

"Alright, jokes aside. Emily-san, what do you suggest for Yu-chan to buy for Takeru-kun?"

"Suggestions? Well, to be honest, I think that he would be happy with anything that Yuriko-chan gives to him"

"But I don't know what to give him since I don't what things he likes..."

Yuriko whimpered at hearing that since even though she and Takeru were dating for about three months now, they never really asked what each of them liked, and on the few occasions that they ask each, they just accepted and enjoyed their time together

"Then why don't you ask him?"

"I want to surprise him"

"Now that's troublesome... Well, Takkun likes games, manga, anime, but these you have to ask which ones he wants or likes... The only thing I can imagine that he might like might be a mask since there was a time his siblings and friends had some influence on him, though I don't know if he's still into masks"

"I don't think masks are a good option"

"Yeah... Me too..."

Emily and Yuriko kept thinking when Kaga gave her opinion

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