Chapter 10

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(A/N Notes: *Insert something here*)

"... And that's pretty much how it went I guess"

"I see, it was an... Interesting story, I guess, Takeru-kun"

I'm sitting on the sofa in Takeru's living room, together with his and my brother, as he told what was apparently the first time the two saw each other



And neither his nor my brother look good at remembering that phase of theirs

"By the way, Hideo-nii why are you here?"

"I have already sent you a message that I would be coming here"

"Yeah, you did... So why are you here?"

"I need some money!"


A shadow cast over Takeru's eyes and his hazel eye felt like it was glowing ominously... Now, I get why onii-san felt so scared back then... Takeru-kun is pretty scary when angered


"Is that so? Then why are you here?"

"You're still on that!?... Haa... Fine, you win. I had a fight with Akari, and she kicked me out of home"

"I see, then go apologize to her"

"Huh!? B, but!"


"B, but she's the..."


"... But..."


"... I get it... I'll apologize to Akari later..."

"Good, now if you all excuse me, I'll go wash these cups and since it's pretty late I'll go prepare dinner for everyone. And Hideo-nii, be nice to Yuriko-san, got it?"


... ... ... Takeru-kun is surprisingly imposing when he wants to... I should really never make him angry ever again

"Haa... He acts too much like mum"

"Hm? Takeru-kun acts very similarly to his mother?"

"Yeah, he does especially when he's angry he looks exactly like her, with the pressure and the feeling that his hazel eye is shining no different than her... Haa... That's really bad for my heart"

Hmmm... I can use this moment to ask more about Takeru-kun's past

"I see, and how was Takeru-kun like in the past?"

"How he was like? Well... I think I can safely he's pretty much the same, probably more antisocial than back then"

"I see"

So he was already like this, huh... It feels a little funny to imagine his younger self the way he's now

"And how about you? How did a beauty like you become his friend?"

"About that... All I can say is that we met each other by chance on some occasions and we ended hitting off pretty well with one another"

Yeah... That was pretty much it really, we just ended up getting along well with each other

"I see, then please continue to get along with him from now on"

"Of course, I'll gladly do it"

"And if it interests you I'm free this week"

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