Chapter 55

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(A/N Notes: This story is so generic, that I'm able to always write a chapter)


Yuriko was silent as she bit her lips while feeling a weird mix of emotions, most of it being either regret and happiness, after telling her mother that she was pregnant


And Yuriko's mother was also silent as she herself tried to decide on whether she commemorated that she would be a grandmother or whether she should press her temples in worry of her daughter's unexpected pregnancy


"...Does anyone else know?"


"Does Takeru-kun knows?"

"I don't think so..."

"I see... For now, go and tell him. While I tell your father, then I'll be coming over there as soon as I can"


"Goodnight, Yu-chan"

"Goodnight, mom..."

And they both ended the call, Yuriko put her phone down deeply breathed in as she tried to gather the courage to drop the bomb on Takeru

Meanwhile, at the Nanami household

"... Yosh! First, I need... Wine? No, no... Yeah, some sake will do"

Kaga after ending the call with her daughter decided to get something alcoholic to drink. She took out a bottle of sake from the fridge, opened it, and poured on a cup of glass, then she drank everything in one gulp


She decided to commemorate her daughter's pregnancy, something that others would be very worried about, but not her, she already expected Yuriko to get pregnant after she graduated

"Oh my god. I was almost forgetting about Minato... How should I tell him that our daughter is pregnant?"

Kaga then started to think about how she should tell her husband, that their daughter was pregnant, and she quickly came to an answer

"... I guess, I will tell him in the same way that I told him about my pregnancies... He'll definitely make an amusing face"

At Yuriko's apartment

"Fuu... Alright, let's go tell him in person"

After some deliberation Yuriko decided it was better to tell Takeru while directly looking at him, she picked her pregnancy test in case he didn't believe her and went over to his apartment right next door

*Presses the doorbell*

Shortly after Takeru opened the door, knowing that only Yuriko would be the one coming over at this time

"What's wrong, Yuriko?"

"... I have something important to tell you?..."

Her voice sounded slightly unsure

"So important that you need to tell me now?"

"... Yes..."

"I see, then do you want to come inside"

"... Yes... Please..."

She came inside his apartment and sat on the sofa, followed by Takeru sitting right beside her

"So what do you want to tell me?"

"... ... ... I'm pregnant..."

<*Old fax machine sounds*> "... ... ... Eh?"

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