Chapter 54

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(A/N Notes: Well, things will get very wonky from now, trust me)


"Fufu... Your sleeping face is so cute, Takeru"

It was Sunday morning, and Yuriko was looking at Takeru's sleeping face right beside her

"You did really well last night..."

Yuriko then gave him a kiss on the cheek, then got up from the bed, put on her underwear and a large T-shirt, and went to make breakfast with the two of them. Some minutes later Takeru would also wake up and put on some clothes, then go and hug Yuriko from behind while feeling sleepy. After having breakfast, and after Takeru fully woke up, they both went on a date for most of the day, after having another dinner together, they returned to their apartments and went to sleep since they had school tomorrow

One month later and a week later

It was the first day of November... What happened in October? Nothing much, Yuriko and Takeru enjoyed their days together, the annoying guy came back but refrained from approaching the two, for the time being, everything was going perfectly well for the two, so it was easier to simply jump it, by the way, it's a Sunday, and the two are at Yuriko's apartment

"Ah! That's right, Takeru. I never asked when your birthday is"

"Hm? My birthday? It's on the thirteen of November" *Making tea for him and Yuriko*

"So it's in this month! Good thing I asked you today"

Yuriko then picked up her phone and went to put a reminder in the calendar when she noticed when it would be falling

"A Friday thirteen?"

"Just like the day, I was born, that would explain why my friends at my old school are all crazy"

"... Let me guess, they were all chunni, right?"

"Hopefully they aren't anymore, but yes, you're right"

"..." <That would explain why he had those clothes he used during the play>

Yuriko discovered more about Takeru

"By the way, when's your birthday, Yuriko?"

"It's on the eighteen of April"

"Very late happy birthday, Yuriko"

"Yes, yes, thank you, Takeru... Hm? You were born one year later than me right, Takeru?"

"Yeah, why you ask?"

"Doesn't that mean you're still fifteen years old?"


Takeru just drank his tea while making a loud noise at Yuriko's question

"If you admit you're still fifteen years old, I'll let you bury your face in my chest as I hug you"


Takeru's pride wasn't allowing him to admit that he was still technically speaking 15 years old, even though he wanted to bury his face on Yuriko's chest

"If you admit now... I'll even open my shirt for you~"

"I'm still fifteen years old"

"You naughty boy~"

Takeru fell to his desires and admitted his actual age, and after hearing that Yuriko opened her shirt as promised, showing Takeru her bountiful chest being held by her bra, as she spread her arms towards him and invited him for her hug

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