Chapter 13

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(A/N Notes: It looks like, we're ahead of schedule boys)

"Phew... Today was tiring, and the old man looked more pumped up than usual... At least I still left on time"

Right now it was 6:30 AM, and Takeru was almost in front of his apartment building entrance, and in front of the entrance he...



Accidentally met his with Yuriko, and they both looked away from each other, Yuriko with a slightly embarrassed face and Takeru with a troubled face

"... *Sigh*... Yuriko-san..."

"! *Twitches* Y, yes, Takeru-kun?"

"I'm really sorry about yesterday!"

"Eh!? N, no! Y, you d, don't need to be! It's fine really!"

"Yes, I need it! And because it was my fault for causing this weird situation, I'll do anything you ask me to do! *Bows down*"

"Huh!? *Blushing more intensely* N, no, really! I forgive you! so you don't need to do that!"

"Yes, I need to!"

The two were on an impasse since she was trying to make him stop and he wasn't backing down, then an idea came to her

"T, then since the f, finals of this s, semester are coming, h, how about t, the one w, who scores l, lower overall w, will have t, to do s, something that the o, one who s, cored higher asks?"

"... Okay, that's fine by me"

"G, great! Then w, we better get c, changed soon..."

"Yeah, you're right"

And the two entered the apartment, Takeru was feeling relieved as if he just got rid of a heavy-weight on his shoulders, while Yuriko was feeling flustered both because she knew what she felt for him and because of what the old lady told her. And they entered their apartments

At Yuriko's place

She undressed the clothes she was wearing and went to take a shower

"... Anything I ask..."

Then she ended up thinking of her and Takeru kissing on the lips, and that made her face turn beet red

"!!!" <Why did I just think about that!?!?!?...> *Fall to her knees*

She then held her cheeks as she felt even more embarrassed

"... Am I really so in love with him?... ... ... But this is quite the pleasant feeling to have... Alright!"

She then steeled herself to get back up, finished taking her shower, put on her uniform, and finished doing all the other things she needed to do before leaving for school

And she left her apartment

"Ah! Good morning, Takeru-kun"

At Takeru's place

He was undressing so that he could take a shower

<Man... I was really worried back there, that my heart was beating like crazy... ... ... Huh? For some reason I felt that it beat faster whenever I peeked at Yuriko when we were on the elevator, I wonder why... Maybe I'm... I'm in love with her!... Or maybe it's something else... I'll have to check that later... Anyway, time for a shower> (A/N Notes: Dense yet not dense, oh! The sarcasm)

He took a quick shower, put on his uniform, and did everything he needed to prepare before leaving

Then he left his apartment

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