Chapter 7

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(A/N Notes: I'm feeling unmotivated to write this week... Well, better luck next week then)

It was after school, some minutes after the end of the classes, and Takeru was putting on his outdoor shoes, and as he was doing so he heard steps behind him, making him turn his head to see who it was and he accidentally met his eyes with Yuriko's eyes



And they both averted their gazes to the side with a small blush in their cheeks, due to their own reasons caused by the photo Takeru gave to her

"S, so... Y, you're going home earlier today, Y, Yuriko-senpai?"

"Huh? Ah! Y, yeah... T, the school decided to cancel all after school activities due to some reasons, T, Takeru-kun"

After some seconds of not looking at each other, they managed to calm down their voices

"I see... So do you want to go home together?"

"Yes, I'd love to"

And Yuriko put on her outdoor shoes, and the two of them went home while walking beside each other, without looking  at each other directions and with a weird silence between them, until they were near their apartment building

"Ah! I almost forgot... About our date this weekend..."

"Huh? Ah! Yes! The date... Yeah... I think we should reschedule it for a later date"

"Thank you for understanding, Takeru-kun"

"You're welcome, Yuriko-senpai"

And they kept walking until they reach their homes

"See you tomorrow, Takeru-kun"

"Yes, see you tomorrow, Yuriko-senpai"

They both entered their homes at the same time, and also their legs lost strength at the same when they entered, making both of them slid down to the floor with their backs on the door

" "Haa... That was really nerve-wracking... I don't I'll be able to look her/him, face to face tomorrow..." "

<... Whenever I look at her that image of her changing always comes to my mind...>

<... Whenever I look at him that feeling of embarrassment always come back...>

< <... Alright! Let's make sure to not look at her/his face until I can erase that from my mind!> >

They would only return to look at each other on the face after 3 weeks had passed, and right now it was lunchtime

"Long time no see, Takeru-kun"

"*Nods* Yeah, it has been quite a while since we last looked each other face to face, Yuriko-senpai"

Yuriko sat down as she put her bento on the table

"... Don't you think you're a little too close today?"

"Just let this one pass, because I haven't seen your plain face for 3 weeks"

Yuriko had sat down right by Takeru's side

"... *Sigh* Fine, just this once"

He rolled his eyes as he conceded to Yuriko


And they ate their lunches while enjoying the cool shade of the tree, and after they finished eating their lunches the did some meaningless chat

"Ah! That's right, Takeru-kun. Could we exchange contacts?"

"Huh? Sure... Just give me a sec, here"

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