XV - Trainride

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A/N: Sorry yall I haven't posted in a while because I've been really busy with school and other things! It might take some time for me to write but soon I will be writing more frequently, thank you all for your patience!

(also I just watched Star Wars for the first time and now I am a Star Wars fan :D)


I opened Wattpad only to find that a whopping 1.2k people saw my story! That is more than I even dreamed of! Thank you all so much I appreciate it and that really is motivating me to write more <3

Evangeline's POV:

Evangeline followed Ariana and the others into the train.

She brought her hand to her lips and nervously started to chew on her nails.

Ariana noticed and gave a comforting smile.

"Don't worry, it is a magical place! I guarantee you'll find him some way." Ariana assured.

Evangeline gave a quick grateful nod and followed them.

They walked into an empty compartment labeled #27.

The compartment door slid opened and there were cushiony seats to seat everybody.

They settled down and adjusted to the area they were going to be for a few hours.

Ayden groaned.

"Ugh, this trip is going to take forever! I'm bored already!!"

Augustus merely rolled his eyes.

"It hasn't even started yet you idiot." Augustus scoffed.

"Well i-" stuttered Ayden, unable to reply.

"Exactly. Now shut it." 

Ayden immediately complied while Augustus smiled to himself for that quick moment of victory.

"Oh shut it both of you!" Poppy said teasingly.

Poppy leaned over towards Evangeline and Ariana and whispered loud enough for everyone to hear,

"Do we really need to be in the same compartment as them?"

"HEY!" whined Ayden while everyone else (except Augustus, who rolled his eyes and looked out the window) laughed.

Tom's POV:

Tom sighed audibly and looked up from his book. 

They had been in the train for 7 hours, and all the boys, except for Tom, were fast asleep. There was still 5 hours left to go, and by now, even Tom felt sluggish. He wasn't sure if he could last any longer.

He had never been in a moving platform, had being in an old orphanage his entire life. At first, the idea seemed appealing, but after being in the everlasting ride for a few hours, he was beginning to regret ever stepping on the train. 

Suddenly, there was a knock on the compartment door.

The boys shot awake.

Abraxas coughed and ran his hand through his hair to fix the bed head he had gained while sleeping.

Antonin merely pressed his lips together in a thin line, clearly agitated from being awoken from his peaceful sleep. 

Evan took a giant yawn, so big that Tom could practically see down his throat, which he wish he didn't see.

Theodore just made a look of disgust and yelled at the door with his eyes still closed.

"Ughhh, what do you want." groaned Theodore with his eyes closed shut.

"Well, excuse ME!" said a sharp frilly voice.

The boys looked up in horror.



Thank you all for reading, it really makes my day! <3

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