Chapter 11: The final fall

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"It was a maze, the hedges are supposed to reach 20 feet!" Viktor was telling Athena as they walked to dinner.

"What's so dangerous about a maze?" She asked him.

"The creatures apparently," Viktor said. Athena instantly sorted through the books she was holding, pulling out the textbook she was reading not so long ago, thrusting it into Viktors arms. 

"Study it, I'll quiz you the night before the tournament." 


Athena was curled up on the sofa, leaning against George, her head in a 'magical creatures' textbook as he brushed her hair.

"Athena!" Harry burst in sweating profusely. "Athena, I need you right now!" 

She looked up out of her book, frowning as she stood up, handing Viktor the text. She jogged to harry, turning with him as he stormed out of the common room.

"Your father was in Azkaban," He erupted with.

"What?!" She said, looking stunned. "When?"

"End of the wizarding war"

This made sense. when Athena was 4, she briefly remembered staying with her bába (grandmother) for a period of time, because her father was 'Out on business', and her mother died shortly after. 

"How do you know?" Athena asked.

"Dumbledore showed me his memories," Harry said. "And there was something else". He looked side to side, before turning back to Athena. "There was a woman slightly later on." 

"Continue," She said.

"And she looked just like you."

Athena felt confused. Her mind spun slightly as she reached for her purse, removing the photo of a younger her and Viktor in the arms of a woman with the same curly locks Athena had, except they were darker. She had Athena and Krum's large nose, and Viktors dark eyes. She handed Harry the photo. "Was it her?" Athena asked.

Harry nodded slowly.

"Did they mention a name?" She asked.

"No. But she got life's imprisonment" Harry said.

Athena took back the photo. "Thank you, Harry."


Was her Mother a death eater? Did she die in Azkaban? Why did her father lie? 

Her father was a death eater, and Athena couldn't escape that- even if he had been placed under the imperius curse. 

Her mind flicked back to the day her father got back, getting her away from her bába. She had run into his arms as he swooped her up, cuddling her before telling her that her mother was now in heaven, resting peacefully. 

Elizabeth Williams, arrested for torturing a couple to insanity. That wasn't the mother she was reminded of.


Athena studied furiously and constantly for her N.E.W.T's, despite also helping Viktor study and prepare for that tournament, practising spells and hexes until 1 am in his dorm, and then studying in all free periods and mealtimes. The buildup to the final task was stressful and gruelling, Athena and Viktor teetering on the edge of 4 hours sleep a night. 

The morning before the tournament, Hermione received her daily prophet, and, as expected, there was a ridiculous articled on harry, written by Skeeter herself. 

"What's this article about then?" Fred asked.

"Harry is now He-who-must-not-be-named himself! Only because he's a parselmouth!" Hermione said. 

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