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1774, JULY 28th.

About a week had passed before Noche could walk without assistance. The thought of recovering her memories empowered her. She worked harder and harder at her physical therapy.

"Cherries, look I can walk on my own!" Noche said, "Now I can start working on my goal. I want to remember my past."

"Great... Where will you start?"

"Well, I recently remembered washing up on the beach of... That desert." Noche said, "So maybe if I check around the ocean, that'll jog my memory?"

"Ohhhh... Errmmmm..."

"Cherries... Is... Something wrong?"

"Remember how I said you are a Create User?"


"Well... Create is illegal."


"Yeah... The United Government, a unification of all the major nations, has globally banned it." Cherries said, "Create Users are banished from every country in the world... Except here."

"Where is here?"

"The Create Continent! Home of the Cross military... And the place all Create Users are forbidden from leaving."

Noche sat on the bed with a plop.

"Unless..." Cherries said.

"UNLESS WHAT?!" Noche shot to her feet.

"Unless you join the Cross military." Cherries said, "Cross works with the United Government to enforce this ban. Its their job to arrest and deport people. Thus the Cross military is allowed everywhere."

"Then I'll join Cross!" Noche said.

"WOAH NOW! Hear me out." Cherries said.

Noche plopped back down.

"Create Users are scarce. Of the entire population on the planet, only one out of every eight people are Create Users." He said, "Thus, Cross is understaffed. So to fix this, President Medusa has been trying to get soldiers of quality rather than quantity."

"What does that have to do with me?"

"To join the Cross military, you have to pass their entrance exam." He said, "It's a physical test, written test, and a fighting tournament."

Noche looked down at her bone thin body.

"As you can tell... Two of those tests require good health. Which you don't have."

Cherries then leaned his head into his hand.

"Maybe... Maybe there is hope?" He muttered.

"Hope? What do you have in mind?" She asked.

"I mean that literally. Hope is a prep school." Cherries said, "Helping Our Potential Elite."

"Hope!" Noche shouted.

"President Medusa made it to help exceptional people prepare for the the Cross entrance exam." He said, "Her exact words were teaching potential leaders of tomorrow with the leaders of today."

"That's gay... OH SHIT Cherries I'm-"

"Bitch chill. I agree. Its gay as hell." Cherries said, "But the point is, if you can enroll... It will dramatically increase your chances of passing the entrance exam."

Epics of Noche 1, AnchorWhere stories live. Discover now