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1774, NOVEMBER 27th SUNDAY 5:25 pm.

Thousands of crows took flight – the sky became a blanket of writhing black. Countless birds moved like one entity; fluid like the ocean. Their caws and flapping wings deafened the world of almost all sound. They swarmed the auditorium like a living tornado of darkness.

Noche raised her hand and prismatic energy moved within her body, but she could not make light.

Create failed her.

True darkness had come.

The stench of blood filled the air as rancid breath touched the back of her neck. Noche turned around, but in the pitch black and silence, all she found was nothingness. Lights came back on in the auditorium, the blonde ran inside as the room's projector activated on its own accord. On the lowered screen a man with an elongated, rubbery face was visible.

"Helloooooo everyone!" Edward said.

Noche gazed at this person with the vague impression of familiarity, yet she did not know why.

"My name is Edward Death. President of DeathTech!" He said — Noche's eyes widened. "You may be asking yourself, who is this person? What does he want? How many licks does it take to get to the center of the mystery of how he's broadcasting this video live to every television in the world?!"

Edward chuckled and straightened his hat.

"Long ago, long before Cross was established, there was an apocalypse war — That glorious world-war that ended when Create was discovered." Edward grinned. "The opponent of that war... WAS ME! I'm still alive! The dark god had made me immortal! And now... I. Have. Returned."

Edward's laughter filled every phone, every TV, every screen across the world.

"That brings us to question twoooooo. What I want — is simple," his unnatural grin stretched even wider. "I'm declaring a new world war."

Silence filled the room as the camera switched from Edward to a new sight. A massive underground bunker full of nuclear missiles that went on for miles and miles.

"Bumba kla..." Mary muttered.

The Grave brothers smiled and both took a sip of wine.

"Buuuuut tell you what," Edward said, "I'll put a phone number on this screen here. If Cross calls us within the next ten seconds, then we'll only attack them — instead of everyone."

The camera switched back to Edward as a phone number flashed before his face. Under it, a timer began tocking down from ten to nine.

Medusa's phone snapped open and she dialed the number. Other members of Cross tried to leave the auditorium, but the tornado of crows kept them trapped inside. Create was used against the birds, but for every one killed, two more took its place. Noche stared at the number — it seemed familiar.

The timer went down to seven, the phone began to ring as it reached six. Ring, five, ring, four, ring, three, ring, two — someone picked up.

"Honeyville pizzeria!"

Medusa turned to the boxes on the table — the cardboard's large numbers matched the TV.

"Zero," Edward said.

Millions of missiles were launched into the air, turning the sky red with their flight.

"MOM!" Mary shouted.

Epics of Noche 1, AnchorWhere stories live. Discover now