People Change

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I smiled at Harvey as I ran my fingers through my dark purple hair. He laughed and walked with me into the new flat that he bought for me sitting down the bags of new clothes and makeup he bought for me.

"So why do you want to change so much? You dyed your hair, pierced your nose, quit your job, bought new clothes," he paused looking at me, "what are you doing?"

"Making a new me Harvey!" I smiled and pulled out the twin guns I got, "If I can't be Mrs. Crane then what can I be?"

Harvey just shook his head smiling at me. Harvey used to beg me to at least carry a gun in my purse back before we lost touch. It wasn't even that we lost touch; it was the fact that Jonathan wouldn't let Harvey come around anymore once we started living together.

"Well I'm glad that you are going to be carrying around a gun now," he started removing things from my bags and putting them up, "There are some crazy men in Gotham these days."

If you only knew Harvey. I sighed and started taking out all my new makeup and went putting it in my bathroom. I took the vial out of my belt and looked at it. This one vial of liquid and the papers in my bedside drawer were the reason I was no longer with my husband. I couldn't honestly blame the Joker for my husband's actions. He made the shit and he put himself in the hole he was in. He put me out on the street and now I am a different person. I'm not going to let men walk all over me anymore. Harvey walked in making me put the vial back into my belt.

"What is that?" Harvey rose an eyebrow looking at my belt.

"Nothing. It is an uhm...project from the lab in Arkham that I had been working on," I looked at myself in the mirror taking in my new hair color.

"Well I have to go down to the court house and get that bastard Falcone to tell me where the drugs are that he had imported," Harvey kissed me on my forehead and made his way out of the flat.

I smiled and started putting on a fresh coat of purple makeup on. I needed to o see Joker before he thinks I'm pulling one over on him. I out on my leather jacket and little black mask. I can't let anyone know that I associate myself with the Joker or any other criminal. I needed to keep my place and they needed to keep theirs. I walked outside and hopped onto my new motorcycle and sped down the street to the abandoned warehouses. Once there I headed inside. The place was just how it had been the last time I was there. The men in clown make up looked at me making my slightly nervous.

"Who are you and why are you here?" One large man asked stepping closer to me making me back up.

"I'm a friend and I'm here to deliver something to the Joker," I said looking up at the brute.

Suddenly a laugh erupted throughout the ware house causing me to jump slightly. As I looked up at the staircase I noticed the clown prince of crime himself standing there with an amused grin on his face. He made his way down the stairs walking to me.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" He laughed at me causing my blood to slightly boil, "You can change your look all you want Doc, but that won't change that you are still that scared woman that works for me. Now, give me what I asked you to get me before I put a bullet in that pretty little head of yours."

I looked at Joker and pulled the vial out of my belt in defeat. Joker was right about me. No matter how I tried to present myself I was still that woman who he had kidnapped and beaten. He was still the man that tore me down until I was an inch tall causing me to break and do everything he asked of me. This man is the reason I stole from my husband and ruined my marriage, and I swear I will kill him.

Laughing at my fears ( Joker love story)(Scarecrow lovestory)Where stories live. Discover now