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I walked into work with Jonathan like usual. He kissed me on the cheek and my plan was set in motion. I made my way to my office to file some reports on my absences and the kidnapping. Jonathan was concerned but I didn't feel like it was for my safety. I think he felt more threatened by my return than anything. I didn't doubt his love for me, but I did feel worried for his wellbeing and mental health. I watched him torture a man into unconsciousness. My husband was ill and I couldn't do anything about it in my current situation.

"Mrs. Crane there is woman here to see you. She says she can help you with something," a guard said opening my office door.

I nodded and he let the woman in. She was taller and blonde. She looked to be around my age, maybe a year or so younger. She was shaking slightly as if she was terrified to be around me.

"Mrs. Crane I'm Harleen Quinzel. I used to live with Mista' J and I'm beggin' yah to please get out of whateva he has yah doin. He isn't okay right now. I know he isn't okay eva to you guys, but this time he has lost it and I don't want to see yah hurt. Red told me not to come here but I saw the news and things get around where I live. For yah own safty run away and find protection," Harleen got up almost as quick as she sat down and left my office in a hurry.

No one had heard from Harley Quinn for months since she was released back into the real world. I was shocked to see her step foot in Arkham again. She was right about the Joker. He was always unstable, but he was off. She would know that better than anyone. I sighed looking at the wedding picture of Jonathan and me. We were so happy at first. I didn't understand why all hell had to break lose once I was happy. I shook my head and went back to my work. I was in this now and there was no way out. The hours went by fast and it was eventually time to get off work. Here we go. I stood up grabbing my purse and left my keys on my desk. I walked out of my office locking the door. I got out to the car where Jonathan was waiting.

"Baby I forgot my keys!" I said fake shocked rummaging around in my purse, "Do you have a key to my office?"

"Of course," he smiled handing me his key ring, "hurry back I want to get home and take a shower with my lovely wife."

I blushed deep red and kissed Jonathan before walking back inside. Once inside I made my way to the elevator instead of the hallway that lead to my office. I clicked on the basement button and down I went. When the doors opened cold chills covered my arms making the little hairs stand. It was damp and dark down there as well. I sighed and gathered up my courage to walk down the halls where I had first fallen. This time there were no bugs and the walls weren't turning. It was a normal brick corridor leading me to my husband's secrets he was trying so hard to hide from me. I got to a door and used his keys to unlock it. When I entered there were tubes of a bright blue liquid and papers everywhere. I took a vial of the liquid and put it in my pocket. I picked up a paper with some chemical formula on it and folded it along with other important looking papers. I walked around his desk to see a picture of me and him in university. It was on the day that we had both gotten honors and went out to celebrate. I smiled weakly looking at the picture. The man in the photo was my Jonathan. The man who took his time to put this picture into a frame and place it on his desk was my husband, but the man I saw when I came home was not him. I held back tears and went out the door locking it. I made my way into the elevator. Once on the ground floor I made my way to my office to get my keys. I got them and went back out to the car.

"Sorry I took so long. The key got jammed in the door," I giggled lightly buckling up.

Jonathan just laughed taking his keys and turning the car on. I looked out the window as we were riding down the road and Jonathan reached over rubbing my inner thigh as he drove with one hand. I looked at him to see him smirking as he drove not looking at me. I lightly pushed his hand away and he slammed on breaks quickly jerking the car to the side of the road making my head hit the windshield.

"What the fuck Jonathan!" I yelled feeling a warm substance trickling down my forehead, "I'm fucking bleeding now!"

"Why don't you love me anymore?" he said calmly making me look at him surprised, "You aren't the same."

"I could say the same to you," I mumbled.

"Get out," Jonathan said sternly.

"You can't be-"I was cut off my Jonathan yelling unlocking my door.


I sighed grabbing my purse and getting out slamming the door. Jonathan drove off and I sighed. I walked down the sidewalk for about twenty minutes before my feet began to hurt. I didn't know where to go. I had nowhere. I bent down taking off my heels and sat down on a bench nearby. Blood was still slowly trickling down no matter how much I wiped it off. I groaned and heard a familiar voice say my name.

"Raven?" I looked up to see Harvey fucking Dent rushing over to me.

"Harvey!" I stood to run into my old best friend's arms but ended up falling into them, "I am so sorry."

"It's okay. What happened?" Harvey wiped the blood off my forehead with his thumb.

"I got into a fight with Jonathan. He slammed on breaks and I hit my head. Now here I am on the street talking to you," I laughed lightly looking up at him due to his height towering over me.

"If you need a place to stay and get cleaned up you are always welcomed to stay with me. I was seeing someone, but she seems to have taken interest in someone else at the moment," Harvey said almost aggravated, but I chose to ignore it and nod.

We made our way to his place. Harvey owned a flat in the middle of the city. It was nice with black walls and stainless steel and glass around every corner. Art work and sculptures were all around. Harvey had given me some boxers and a t-shirt to change into. I was currently in the bath thinking about life. I'm pretty sure that is where almost anyone makes their life choices. I laid back in the water letting sweet reality take its role in my life. I was going to have to go back to the Joker eventually. I looked at the blue liquid in the vial and smiled weakly. If I couldn't live my life then I might as well start a new one. Don't you think?

Laughing at my fears ( Joker love story)(Scarecrow lovestory)Where stories live. Discover now