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Three years had went by since we moved into our new home on the outskirts of Gotham. I had given birth to a beautiful baby boy with dark brown hair who we named Alastor. Jonathan has taken to calling him his own which always makes me smile. Oddly enough Alastor has a bad habbit of destroying things, but I hope he grows out of that bad habitt. I love my son and my husband more than anything and nothing will change that.

I was setting up for Alastor's fourth birthday. I smiled as he played with his father in the back yard. We had yet to find him any friends due to us not having any family to invite over or any friends with children. I stood at the stove making breakfast for dinner which Alastor insisted upon for his birthday. A small cake sat in front of his chair at the table. I smiled weakly at it and turned back around just as a grease bubble popped making me drop the spatula on the floor.

"Damn it," I cursed under my breath picking up the spatula an running it undder some hot water in the sink and washing it carefully.

Outside the back window I saw a dark green car drive slowly by. The windows were so tinted that I could't see who was in it or if it was a man or woman. My hand grazed over the gun attached to the underside of the counter and then the care kept on rolling by leaving. Jonathan made eye contact with me in the window giving me a concerned look. I smiled and shook my head sinaling him to keep playing with Alastor. I had been paranoid for the past three years that Joker would come find me and ruin my family, but that has yet to happen and when it does I will be ready for him.

"Mommy are you done cooking?" Alastor ran in with Jonathan right behind him.

I nodded and smiled placing all the food onto the center of the table. Jonathan picked Alastor up and placed him into the chair since it had a seat in it to help him be fully at the table. I sat down between my boys and smiled placing food on Alastor's and my plate while Jonathan did the same for himself. Once we all ate it was time for the birthday cake. Jonathan got up and used his lighter to light the big 4 candle on the cake.

"Make any wish you want babyboy," I said rubbing his back gently.

He smiled and closed his eyes tight before blowing out the candle. Jonathan and I clapped and kissed him on top of the head. After we ate cake Jonathan took him into the living room to play with the new toys we got him for his birthday. I spent my time in the kitchen washing the dishes and cleaning up after the small party for Alastor. As I cleaned off the last plate my phone bean to buzz twice signaling that I got a text. I rose an eyebrow confused due to the fact that only Jonathan ever texted me. I dried off my hands with the dish towel before picking up my phone and unlocking it. My eyes widened at the message on the screen.

What's up Doc? ;) ~J

I dropped the phone and gasped. I shook lightly and held back tears of shock as I just looked at my phone on the ground with the message still lit up on the screen.

"Everything alright Raven?" Jonathan called out to me from the living room.

"Yeah," I yelled back trying to calm myself not wanting to freak him or Alastor out, "Phone just slipped from my hand."

I picked up my phone and locked it before slipping it back into my pocket. I walked into the living room to see a very sleepy Alastor and a very sleepy Jonathan. I smiled weakly and picked up my babyboy.

"Go to bed Jon," I smiled weakly, "I've got him."

Jonathan nodded and went to our room as I went to Alastor's room laying him down gently in bed and covering him up. I smiled as I played with his wavy brown hair.

"Did you have a good birthday babyboy?" I said smiling at him.

He nodded smiling gently looking up at me with his green eyes, "Yeah."

"Well you know you can tell mommy what you wished for right?" I said smiling at him before kissing his forehead.

"I wished that I could know who my real daddy is," He said looking at me with those big green eyes and his father's smile.

I nodded and got up shutting the light off leaving his door cracked as I made my way down the hall to my bedroom. I was shaking and tears were slipping down my face without showing any signs of stopping. Jonathan looked at me as I walked into the bed room and got up catching me as I fell into his arms crying.

"He knows," I said through tears trying to make my breathing steady.

"What does Alastor know?" Jonathan said quietly paniced.

"That Joker is his father."

Laughing at my fears ( Joker love story)(Scarecrow lovestory)Where stories live. Discover now