The Jester

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Months passed with me not hearing about Jonathan. I hadn't heard a single word about him. I watched the news sometimes and apparently Harvey had reported me missing. I wasn't coming back, and I didn't want to. I enjoyed my new life with The Joker. I will admit that it wasn't the most normal way I could be spending my life. I sat at home cooking and cleaning for Joker and the henchmen while they would go out to rob a bank or kill off some mob bosses. I stood cleaning the kitchen while the boys were out on break leaving Joker and me all by ourselves. I had gotten out of bed early, careful not to wake Joker. I picked up beer bottles and tossed them into the trash can. I turned to see Joker walking down stairs groaning while rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning darling," I chuckled stepping over to the counter to wipe off the counters with a washrag.

I felt large arms wrap around my waist making me smile. I leaned my head back on his shoulder and giggled. Joker kissed my neck softly making me blush. I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I have been living with you for almost four months now and I know nothing about you," I looked at him raising an eyebrow.

"What do you want to know?" He sighed looking at me with his beautiful green eyes I had grown to love.

"Everything," I said softly letting my hands play with his hair.

Joker took my hand and led me out into the back yard. We may be criminals, but we have a damn nice house on the outside of town. He took me over to the trampoline and he got on. He took my hands and pulled me up with him. We sat down and laid our backs on the warm trampoline in the warm morning air. I took his hand and looked up at the sky to let him explain who he really was to me.

"A long time ago I was a decent man. I had a wife and she was pregnant ready to pop any minute. I came into needing some money to pay for her doctor bills. I went to the mob and asked them for a loan. I didn't pay it off in the time to make them happy and they told me that they would make me pay for not giving them their money back," he rubbed my hand with his thumb, "They had a guy get into a eighteen wheeler truck and ram it into my wife when she was on her way to her mom's. I swore I would get revenge on them and ended up taking over part of the mob under the name of the Red Hood. One day the batman came to mess up my operation. He tore off my hood and threw a batterang and it sliced my mouth open making me trip over the rail and fall into a vat of toxic waste. Here we are now."

I didn't know what to say. I couldn't believe that he had once almost had a family of his own or that he had a life other than being a criminal. I started thinking of myself and realized that I had changed a lot in these few months. I was pretty much the house wife or house mom to Joker and his band of merry goons. I rolled onto my side and faced him kissing his cheek. I saw a small smile form on his cheek making me smile as well. I didn't consider myself his. I didn't want to tell myself that I had loved someone else. I was beyond scared that he would leave me for someone better or chose the crime life over me. Joker rolled over on his side and looked at me smiling weakly.

"What do you say to us Doc?" Joker questioned causing my heart to skip a beat.

"What do you mean?" I said blushing madly feeling my heart jump and my breath become short and staggered.

"I'm asking you to be mine Raven," He said in a matter of fact voice that caught me off guard when he said my name.

I couldn't respond. All I could do is nod slowly as tears filled my eyes. He pulled me over and on top of him kissing me deeply as he held my waist. I smiled into the kiss feeling electric sparks between our lips.

Later on that day I was taken to my room to see that my clothes and everything were missing other than a purple and green outfit on my bed. Joker smiled and rubbed my lower back.

"If you are mine then we are a team. You can call the shots and make sure that I stay in line. You decide where the money goes and what jobs get carried out and by who. This means that you have to hide your identity so I can keep you and our operations safe," Joker's arms wrapped around my waist making me blush as I looked at the gold mask lying next to the outfit, "There are so many dangers that come with being with a master criminal and I want to make sure that you are safe."

I picked up the mask and slipped it onto my face smiling weakly as I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I picked up the outfit and slipped away from Joker into the bathroom. When I walked out Joker smiled and walked over turning me to look into the full body mirror. Next to him we looked like the perfect couple. We had matching colors, but my gold mask and bright colors clashed with his dark ones. Either way it was the perfect clash for us. He was the Joker and I was his Jester.

I wasn't used to a car going one hundred fifty miles per hour, but it was making me feel sick. I held back wanting to vomit holding onto Joker's shoulders as he drove. He laughed and looked at me kissing me quickly before he sped around a sharp curve sending me flying into the door of the van. Police cars were chasing us and Joker seemed determined to get rid of them. I wasn't looking forward to the long talk with the Gordon about why I was a criminal and helping the Joker. Suddenly something cold was in my hand. I looked down to see a gun. My eyes went wide as I looked at Joker shaking my head.

"Shoot out their tires Jester," he said sternly looking back at the road, "or them whichever one works best!"

"I can't!" I yelled shaking as I held the gun on the verge of tears knowing that I didn't have the guts to hurt someone and this wasn't going to make me do it, "I'm not shooting anyone or anything!"

"Fucking shoot the damn car or we all are going to Arkham!" He yelled turning another sharp curve.

"Fuck you Joker! I'm not doing it!" Tears slipped down my cheeks as I held the gun.

"God damn it Raven!" He shouted and took the gun from me and turned a sharp curve leaning out his window shooting the tires out on the cop car.

He was able to move us back onto the road before we wrecked into anything. The rest of the drive was kept in silence. The only noises to make a sound were the car's engine and my subtle sniffles and cries from my side of the van. Once at the hideout the goons unloaded the cash and I ran inside and upstairs. Joker's footsteps weren't far behind me following me. I got to our room and tried to slam the door, but he caught it and walked in slamming it behind him and locking it. I looked at him through tears with my bloodshot eyes. He growled and put the gun in my hand and pointed it at his temple. I shoot harder and tried to let go of the gun be he held it in its place.

"Shoot me," he growled looking into my eyes making me cry and shake harder as I shook my head, "This is what is happening when you don't do what you're told! You are putting a gun to my head! If you don't listen to me we are both dead! I do not take ignorance and disobedience lightly!"

He threw the gun onto the bed and left the room leaving me in tears. I walked into the bathroom and took off my mask, outfit, and makeup before slipping into the shower. The warm water ran down my skin making a small smile form on my lips. Memories of Jonathan filled my mind making my smile bigger.

Jonathan walked into the shower and wrapped his arms around me letting the warm water envelope both of us. He gently kissed my neck and massaged my arms holding my body close to his. I giggled and turned around looking up at him. His crystal blue eyes looked at me with love and passion making my heart skip a beat. Gentle words left his lips, but I couldn't make out what he was saying. As he leaned down to kiss me the water got freezing cold.

I opened my eyes and realized that Jonathan wasn't there and that the water had gotten cold. I finished up my shower and got out wrapping a towel around me. I walked out into the bedroom to see that Joker hadn't come back yet. I sighed and slipped into a bra and panties before slipping into bed. As silent tears slipped down my cheeks I slowly fell asleep.

Laughing at my fears ( Joker love story)(Scarecrow lovestory)Where stories live. Discover now