Scared for life

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I made my way down to Jonathan's secretary and smiled.

"Could you possibly give me the key to the basement floor? I need to talk to my husband about something," I tried to sound polite, but I never really favored the women who worked for Jonathan.

"Sure," the girl politely handed me a key and I was on my way down.

I got to the elevator and put the key into its little slot and turned. The doors closed and began the short trip to the basement. I always wondered why it had to be in the basement. He had permission to do his work by Mr Sharp so I don't see why he couldn't just have a lab in the actual building. When the elevator came to a stop the doors opened and I made my way out and into the dimly lit corridor.

"Jonathan," my voice echoed throughout the small space and down a long stone hallway you might see in a slasher film. There was no reply and I was honestly scared. Something told me to turn back. Something said I didn't need to know the truth, but my heart was telling me to keep walking and find Jonathan. A strange smell filled my nose and my sight became almost construed and warped. The hall seemed to be slightly turning and I began to see little roaches crawling on the walls and floor. Something wasn't right. I needed Jonathan. I kept walking faster but the hall was getting longer. My head felt faint and I dropped to the floor involuntarily. As my mind began to give in I saw a figure at the end of the hall.

"Jonathan?" As his name came out of my mouth my mind fell into darkness.

I woke up in my bed at the flat to the smell of peppermint. My head felt heavy along with the rest of my body. The door to the bedroom was open and there was the light sound of the tv coming from the living room. I tried to lean to see if Jonathan was home but as soon as I tried he popped in the doorway with tea in his hands.

"Hello dear," Jonathan smiled walking over sitting next to me brushing hair behind my ear, "I heard you call for me and by the time I got out of my lab you were on the floor. What happened?"

"I-I'm not sure," I sat up slowly and Jonathan put down the tea to help me, "I was walking and my head got dizzy and I just...fell."

Jonathan nodded. I looked into my husbands eyes and there was slight concern but there was also the same look of amusement in his crystal blues that concerned myself. Jonathan was the most complicated man I knew, but how could I be his wife and not understand him?

"Well were you scared?" Jonathan asked suddenly.

"What?" My voice was almost silent, at this point I knew something was wrong. "Where you scared without me when you were feeling dizzy?" Jonathan sounded not like himself making me back away from him, "where you?"

I nodded quickly, "Yes...I couldn't find you and I was so scared that you were hurt or something," I couldn't even think of losing Jonathan without shedding tears and there they were pouring and stinging my eyes like acid, down my cheeks.

Jonathan pulled me into his arms and calmed me by petting my hair and rubbing my back. He let me cry as hard as I could into his chest.

"You have nothing to fear as long as I am in control," Jonathan said holding me tighter to where I couldn't move.

He honestly scared me, but I loved him. He was right about me. I wasn't scared as long as I let him take control and do what he had to. I knew one thing now and one thing alone. I could never go to that lab.

Laughing at my fears ( Joker love story)(Scarecrow lovestory)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن