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I walked into Arkham Asylum letting out a heavy sigh. As I walked in Police Commissioner Gorden stood there waiting on me.
"I need to ask you a few questions Miss Crane," he said stepping closer to me causing my heart to stop.
Tears welled up in my eyes as I forced myself to breath, "Can I please just see my husband?"
He let out a light sigh, "I have to speak to you before I can let you do that."
I nodded and followed him to my old office. We sat on the couch and I fidgeted with my fingers looking around. Everything looked so different.
"We have reason to believe that you have been in contact with the Joker," he looked at me making me feel sick to my stomach.
"He kidnapped me one day at work...he hit me and abused me until he got sick of me and let me go," I felt tears drop onto my hands that lay on my lap.
"I know this is hard for you to comprehend Mrs.Crane, but we need to know if you knew about your husband's experiments," the commissioner seemed to understand the pain I was feeling some how.
"I didn't know..." I was able to choke out, "I got mad at him because he was acting different, and he told me to get out of the car in the middle of the city. I didn't care anymore...that wasn't the Jonathan I fell in love I got my friend Harvey Dent to help me out and now I have my own place. Please let me go see Jonathan. That is all I have to say."
Gorden sighed and nodded getting up to go open the office door. I walked out quickly and made my way down to intensive treatment. I looked at the woman at the front desk and wiped my tears from my cheeks.
"J-Jonathan Crane," I spoke looking away from her eyes. She handed me the key card and told me just to enter the room. I was slightly confused at why they would let a visitor just walk right into a patient's room. I made my way down the hall and got to the door I was looking for. I slid the key card and the lock opened allowing me inside. The site brought more tears to my eyes and my hand to my mouth. There my husband was with cuts and bruises all over his face. He was tied to a chair with a straight jacket on. I closed the door and ran over to him gently taking his face in my hands.
"Raven," he said in a quiet husky voice looking at me with his beautiful blue eyes," you came for me."
I nodded as tears poured from my eyes, "Of course I did're my husband and I love you."
"I didn't tell you about the experiments because I didn't want to put you in danger."
"But you were willing to kill to do the research?" I stood up wiping my cheeks once again.
"I was willing to do what I had to in order to get my results," he spoke harshly, "this is why I was better than you in all of those classes. You can't seem to comprehend that bad things happen and sometimes it is for the best."
"So do you think you kicking me out was for the best?" I looked down and away from him.
"I got my tests done," was all he said in response.
I walked over and grabbed his face with one hand as a new anger flew through me, "Listen here Jonathan! I am your wife! I love you more than anything! You know why I'm happy I left? Because I discovered that I am a lot safer without you! Don't think I didn't realize that you used that shit on me! I hope you stay in here and all you can think about is how fucking pissed off I am at you and how you lost your wife!" With those words I punched him across the face and left the room.
I didn't speak to anyone asking me questions. I walked out to my car and got in feeling a new confidence, and it felt damn good.

Laughing at my fears ( Joker love story)(Scarecrow lovestory)Where stories live. Discover now