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I sat in that room for what seemed like years. I actually had no idea how long I had been in there or when exactly I was going to be leaving. It felt like everything was closing around me and I couldn't stop it from happening. Jonathan was gone. No. He was dead. Jonathan was dead because Joker shot him. The monster who was the father to my child shot and killed the one man I had ever loved. I didn't want to believe it. I tried so hard to wake up from this nightmare, this hell. 

The door cracked open to reveal a very normal looking Joker. As if that was normal for him. I was sitting in the corner near the closet shaking as I stared at him. He held his hands up in front of him and stepped slowly towards me.

"Im not here to hurt you Raven. I never intended on hurting anyone. I just wanted to keep my son," He slowly stepped closer to me making me whimper and try to move closer to the small corner I had confided in for comfort.

"Jonathan...he's not dead. This is all a dream. A bad bad dream," I looked at Joker suddenly with a scared expression, "A dream that I want you out of!"

He backed up away from me with his hands still up in defense. He backed up to the door and left without another word. Sometimes I wonder what was really happening to me. I knew Jonathan was dead, but why did I feel like this was all a big lie.

//Due to not being able to fully express Raven's insanity from her perspective the rest of the story will be through 3rd person.\\

Raven had stayed in the room for almost two weeks straight now without eating anything. Joker was surprised the girl hadn't come down to even nibble on the smallest cracker. Joker wanted to go check on her, but anytime that he did he ended up having something thrown at him or he was screamed at so high he thought his ears would bleed. Alastor wanted his mother and was slowly becoming more and more depressed each day. He ate very little and hardly played. He just sat and stared at the TV not caring what program was on. As for Raven...she sat in that room huddled in the corner scared to move. She swore that she heard noises and people talking to her but when she would respond no one would be there. It was just the emptiness of the room left with nothing to respond. She shook as she pulled her weak body up moving to the bed. She sighed and laid on the soft mattress letting her face rest on the worn pillow. It smelled of smoke and expensive cologne. It smelled like Joker. A small smile graced her lips before it slowly disappeared. As if it never existed. With every thought of Joker came the photographic memory of him killing the man she loved. Tears came once again as they had many times before in the corner. Her stomach growled and she winced in pain. She wanted to eat. She got up and weakly made her way to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. She was a lot smaller than she remembered herself to be. Her roots were growing out showing her natural dark brown hair.
"You really let yourself go," she sighed to herself trying to make herself laugh.
She began rummaging through cabinets trying to find out where one of her many boxes of hair dye went. Upon her findings she found a razor and a bag of what looked to be a hand held mirror and coke. She set the bag down and rummaged some more until grabbing the box she was looking for. She smiled seeing the familiar face on the box of hair coloring.
After what seemed to be an hour or two of hair coloring and hair trimming Raven looked at herself in the mirror and smiled.
"Good as new," she pushed her hair behind her ear and looked down at the wedding ring on her finger.
Jonathan was dead. She had come to terms with that. Nothing could bring him back. She would need a miracle to have him come back from the after life. She glanced over at the bag of white powder she had left on the counter. She couldn't recall herself ever getting high in her life. She knew in high school she was always offered at parties, but lovely Harvey was always there to pull her away from the immature boys only offering it as a gateway into her pants. In remembering the good ole days she had unpacked the contents of the bag and made a line of coke on the counter. Her heart raced at the idea. Before she could talk herself out of it she was bent over the counter letting the white powder's magic fill her system.
Joker was standing in the kitchen drinking a beer as Alastor took his nap on the couch. The sound of someone coming down the stairs broke his thoughts. His eyes went wide at the sight of Raven smirking making her way towards him. She looked amazing besides the extreme loss of weight.
"Raven?" He rose an eyebrow at her as she stumbled over to him.
He caught her in his arms and looked down at the giggling girl. She looked up at him and bit her lip.
"Hey Jooooker," she purred.
"Are you high?" He growled not liking that she had been in the drug cabinet.
"No of course not!" She lied laughing loudly.
"Shut up or you'll wake up our son you idiot!" He growled.
She leaned up to kiss him but missed kissing his jaw bone. He tried to push her away from him but her grip on him was tighter than a python. Joker sighed and looked at the woman who he knew hated him.
"Raven please stop this. We both know that you don't love me. Stop doing this," Joker demanded shaking her.
Suddenly tears came to her eyes and she was on the floor in a sobbing mess. Joker wasn't the type of man who dealt with women crying very well. Normally he would just smack the hell out of her and tell her to stop whining, but he knew that wasn't the way to deal with Raven. He kidnapped her and her son. He beat her and forced them to stay with her. Then on top of it all he made her watch as he killed her husband. Now wasn't the time for him to be thinking of his wants and needs. Even though she did get into his drugs and she did just try to seduce him before falling into a crying mess on the floor. 

"Hey...Raven please stop crying," He said in a soft voice trying to calm her down. 

"Why should you care? You are a heartless bastard! You killed my husband!" She yelled and that's when they both looked over at the little boy standing in the kitchen doorway with tears running down his cheeks.

"Mommy?" Alastor said in barley a whisper before running over into his mother's arms, "I missed you so much mommy. Why did you leave me all alone like that?"

"I didn't want to leave you all alone baby boy, but something very bad happened and mommy needed to be alone for some time to work it all out," She said reaching up and stroking her son's red puffy cheeks.

Joker was in shock at how one moment she was a messed up whore and the next she was a loving sober mother. The wonders of women still surprised him to this day. He stood there and looked at the mother and son before letting out a sad sigh. 

"What happened mommy?" Alastor looked from her feeling the tension in the room radiating off them.

"I killed your father," Joker said suddenly catching her off guard, "I shot him and left him there to die."

"You shot Jonathan?" Alastor said with wide eyes.

All in slow motion Joker watched Alastor run over to the table and grab his gun. Raven went after her son and tried to stop him. Alastor held up the gun and pointed it at Joker as tears came down his face. All he could do is stand there in total shock that his son was holding a gun up ready to kill him just as his mother wanted to do years ago. 

"Why?" Alastor yelled at him shaking with the heavy metal object in his hands. 

"I didn't want to lose you or your mother and that was the only way I could stop him," Joker said in a low voice as a single tear ran down his cheek.

The gun dropped to the floor and Joker walked over and took Alastor into his arms. Raven slowly crawled over and wrapped her arms around the both of them. Somehow this family was going to make it. 

Laughing at my fears ( Joker love story)(Scarecrow lovestory)Where stories live. Discover now