The Card Trick

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I drove for what seemed like forever looking for a bar to go to. Hell, I was looking for any place that I could go to get my mind off of Jonathan. The man had always been there for me since high school and now he was a criminal. As far as I was concerned he was right there next to Joker on the crime scale. I pulled into the parking lot of TheCardTrick and got out walking inside. There was loud music and people playing pool. I made my way to the bar sitting down in an empty seat.
"What can I get you doll?" A rather large man with the name tag Bearlyon.
"A shot of jack," I smiled at him curling my purple hair around my finger, "keep the bottle on the counter Bearly."
The man smirked and nodded, "Coming right up princess."
He got me the bottle and a shot glass. I threw back shot after shot letting intoxication take me over. Some guys asked me to play pool and I got up walking over.
"I have to warn you," I said in a almost slurred speech, " I'm not that good."
A man with dirty blonde hair walked over placing a pool stick in my hand walking behind me. He took my arms and hands from behind and moved me around getting me in position to shoot. The smell of gun powder and expensive cologne filled my nose causing me to smirk. The smell was so familiar, but I couldn't place where I had smelled it before. I struck the que ball sending two striped balls straight into the pocket.
"Good shot," the man chuckled in a familiar voice getting close to my ear as his hot breath on my neck gave me chills, "Doc."
Realization ran through me. My whole body felt limp and I noticed how drunk I was. I moved away from him and looked at Joker with fear in my eyes.
"Stay the hell away from me," I shook moving towards the door.
"Do we really have to do this again? Don't you remember what happened at your house? You said that there was no reason to be scared anymore. Now stop acting like a damn fool and talk to me," He growled glaring at me.
I nodded and walked back over to the bar sitting down looking at the counter. Joker sat next to me and I finally looked at him as he ordered a drink. He looked so different. He looked...normal. His dirty blonde hair was to his shoulders , and he had rather tan skin. I smiled weakly seeing him in a black T-shirt and jeans.
"Going casual?" I smiled weakly raising an eyebrow getting a chuckle out of him.
"I cant exactly go out in full suit and makeup now can I?" He looked at me smiling a real smile.
"I suppose not," I laughed smiling at him.
We sat there quietly for a few moments. He snuck a few glances at me and I did the same to him. I felt like I was in college again seeking glances at Jonathan during class. Jonathan...
"He wanted me gone," I said feeling pain in my chest, "All he cared about were his stupid experiments."
"I'm sorry Doc," Joker said in a sincere voice leaning over rubbing my back making me smile weakly and blush, "He wasn't worth your time anyway."
Joker pulled out a pack of cigarettes. He pulled one out and held it out to me. I took it and took the lighter from his other hand.
"You little minx," he chuckled pulling one out for himself taking the lighter back once I lit my own.
I giggled and looked at him. I wasn't sure why I was scared of him at first. He might be an ass, but he was a fun guy to talk to. After I finished my cig I put it out in the ashtray on the bar counter.
"Come back to the hideout," Joker said suddenly taking me by surprise, "The boys are gone out on break for now."
I nodded and stood up with him getting out of his chair right after me. He walked with me outside and laughed.
"Leave your car here. I'll get one of my boys to get it for you in the morning," Joker said walking to a black car parked at the side of the bar.

Once at Joker's hide away I got out walking inside. It was just like how it was when I was there the first time. Memories flooded through me of having to do emergency care on Joker on the couch. I looked at the kitchen and my small smile faded as i remembered him slapping me and throwing me on the floor. I turned to look at him. He was the same man. He was the man who threw me on the floor and who beaten almost black and blue.  

"Joker," I said softly looking at the kitchen, "How did you feel when you hit me? How did you feel every time you hurt me?"

"Well," he rubbed the back of his neck avoiding eye contact, "at the time it felt pretty damn good, but now it is a painful reminder of the aweful man I really am. You said that I'm not such a bad guy, but in all reality Doc I am one horrible man. I am a criminal. I rob, steal, lie, kill, and harm anyone who comes into my life. Just like I hurt you."

I looked at him and made  contact with his green eyes. I stepped closer to him placing my hand on his chest. I felt his heart beat unsteady under my pal, through his suit. I looked at his face and saw no sign of panic or nervousness. He was good at putting on a mask, but his heart sold him out this time. He felt guilty and wasn't used to anyone being this close. I reached up letting my fingers trace his scars gently. He sligthtly flenched, but he eventually leaned into my touch causing me to smile weakly. This time was different. Our eyes were wide open and we knew what we were doing. There would be no phone call to save me from my actions. His large hands wrapped around my waist pulling me close suddenly making me let out a light gasp that brought a smile to his face. 

"Nervous?" He questioned smirking at me raising an eyebrow. 

"Not at all," I said softly, "Not even scared."

"Standing up to your fears?" He chuckled making me smirk as my hands traveled to the back of his head wrapping in his hair. 

"More like laughing at them," I giggled.

Before I could let out another sound his lips were locked onto mine. Not a single breath was taken as our lips clashed with more passion and force than I ever felt with Jonathan. He faded from my memories and all I could make an image of in my head was me standing next to the infamous Joker hand in hand. A knife in his hand and a pistol in mine. I let my mind slip into this personal bliss of confused emotions. I let the feeling of his lips and touch consume me as I has completly started to let go of my sanity.

Thank you so much to everyone for being so suppotive, but dont worry because this isnt the end! There is more to the story and I promise it gets better from here. Feel free to message me and comment anything. I enjoy the thins you guys say on here. :) 

Laughing at my fears ( Joker love story)(Scarecrow lovestory)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora