White stained Red

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Days went by of me sitting and watching my child play with the monster he called daddy. I would watch them from a distance and simply shake my head when Alastor would ask me if I wanted to play with them. Joker had made no attempts at apologizing to me or making things better for our situation. This only made me hate him more than I already did. I don't think anything could make me be content with him ever again.
"You need to eat," a goon walked over with a bowl of noodles placing it in front of me. I shook my head and pushed the bowl away.
"You look like shit," he said pushing the bowl back towards me.
I sighed and picked up the spoon and began eating the noodles. Once I finished the man took the bowl and placed it into the sink.
"Joker said for you to get cleaned up. You are going on a mission tonight," the goon sounded uneasy when the mission came up.
"What kind of mission?" I questioned raising an eyebrow.
Suddenly Joker walked in smiling, "We are going to see your adoring husband of course!"
I looked at him in shock, "We are going home?"
"That's a surprise doc. Get dressed up and we can go," he turned to walk out, "I'll be in the car. Hurry up, Jonathan is dying to see you!"
With that Joker was gone. I got up and ran up the stairs to the room I had now claimed as mine. I smiled beyond excited to get to see Jonathan. I slipped on a white sundress and put my hair up into a ponytail. I put on light makeup and red lipstick. I smiled and ran down stairs in my white heels. I walked outside and got into Joker's car. He started the car and started driving. I turned around looking into the backseat and my eyes got wide.
"Where is Alastor?" I said rather sadly as I looked at Joker.
"I don't want him to be there for this," he said keeping his eyes on the road.
"Be there for what?" I had fully turned around and my hands were in my lap.
He never replied. He just kept driving without a sound. I was nervous. I wondered if he was upset that I was so happy to go back to Jonathan. I don't see why it would hurt him, after all he never cared about me to begin with. We pulled into an abandoned part of town. I saw Jonathan's car and got butterflies when I saw him standing against it. I smiled and as soon as Joker put the car in park I unbuckled and ran to Jonathan. I jumped into his arms and smiled as he held me close.
"I missed you so much," he whispered into my ear.
"I missed you too," I whispered holding back tears.
Jonathan put me down and looked at Joker. He took a sort towards a very calm Joker.
"Where is my son?" Jonathan said in a sharp growl almost scaring me.
"Your son?" Joker rose an eyebrow, "last time I checked he was my son and you both never told me!"
"You don't deserve to have a son!" Jonathan yelled back at him.
"Oh I don't deserve a son, but the deranged Jonathan Crane does? Last time I checked she had a anger and abuse problem! You know it's dumb asses like you and your wife that make men like me kill! You both don't deserve to have Alastor as a son! He loves me and he wants to live with me!" Joker was yelling louder and louder making me flinch with every word.
"Joker..." I said weakly stepping forward.
Joker pulled out a gun pointing it at me. I stopped talking and walking. I almost stopped breathing. I was so scared of him because I knew he would do it. He would kill me and he wouldn't regret it. I looked at him and put up my hands.
"Please don't kill me," I cried and swore I saw a tear slide down his cheek.
"Till death do you part right?" Joker growled.
Before I could react soon enough the gun pointed at Jonathan. The rest was in slow motion. I heard the gun go off. I reached out for Jonathan, but as soon as I got close the bullet hit him and he was falling back. I caught him but his weight made me fall down with him. His head was in my lap and I was leaning over him crying more than I ever thought I could. There was no more taking things back. There were no more apologies. This was the end. Jonathan took my hand and smiled weakly up at me.
"You look beautiful in red," he looked up at me with his beautiful blue eyes.
"Jonathan please don't leave me! Please I need you!" I screamed and pleaded, but he just looked weaker and weaker as more blood covered my white dress.
"Promise me you'll be there for Alastor. Please promise me that," he said reaching up and rubbing my cheek, but all I could do is nod through my tears as my hand went on top of his, "I love you so much Raven."
"I love you too Jonathan," I said through tears as they slipped down my cheeks and his eyes began to close.
Suddenly I was jerked up by my arm. I looked up to see Joker dragging me away from Jonathan.
"No! No! Jonathan! Get your hands off me!" I screamed kicking and trying to get away from him, "Someone please help me! Please someone! Help!"
No one was coming. Joker kept the same straight face as he dragged me to the car. He threw me into the passenger seat as I pulled my knees up and cried hard. He got into the drivers seat and we pulled away from the scene. I cried harder and harder not able to stop.
"You son of a bitch! You killed him! You fucking killed him!" I hit him as he drove as hard as I could.
"Fucking stop Raven!" He took a sharp turn and my head slammed into the window hard, "I did it. I can't take it back so if you would just shut the hell up and let me drive we can go home!"
"No where is home with you," I said weakly as I felt blood trickle down my forehead.
Once we got to the house Joker picked me up and carried me inside. I turned my head weakly to see Alastor asleep on the couch. I was glad he didn't see me covered in his father's blood. At the same time I wasn't feeling anything but pain. All I wanted was to go back to how things were and have the happy family of just me Jonathan and Alastor, but that was impossible now. Joker killed Jonathan and I will never have the family I always wanted. Joker laid me on my bed and walked into the bathroom. I just watched him as he came back with a rag. He began cleaning the blood off my forehead.
"You'll see in time that this is for the best," Joker said with no tone in his voice and no expression on his face.
Once he was done he left and I just laid there not wanting to even breath anymore. I thought things were finally getting better when I was let out of Arkham, but now things are just worse than they ever could have been.

Laughing at my fears ( Joker love story)(Scarecrow lovestory)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ