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I woke up and Joker still wasn't there. My heart ached wanting him back here in the bed with me. I wanted to tell him I was sorry and I wanted him to say it was fine and hold me again. I got out of bed and slipped on some shorts and a tank top. I pulled my hair into a bun over my head as I walked down the stairs. I saw Joker standing there in the kitchen drinking coffee. My eyes locked on the dark spots on his neck.

"You cheating bastard!" I yelled walking over taking his coffee throwing it against the wall.

My hand acted on its own and came across his face smacking him sending his head to the side. I went to kick him in the stomach and Joker took my foot throwing me against the wall. Shards of the coffee cup stuck into my hand. The pain didn't match the pain I felt over him cheating on me. I stood up as tears threatened to fall from my eyes.

"Who was she?" I yelled stepping closer as blood seeped from my hand.

Joker let out a sigh and walked over to the sink and washed the bit of coffee that got on his hand, "Her name is Harley. She worked for me a long time ago. When she went to Arkham they declared her sane, but she insists that she is in love with me. I went to her place she shares with some other girl and it happened. You pissed me off and if you expect me to stay in the same room as a girl who can't pull a trigger then you are dead wrong."

I walked over to him and pushed him against the wall kissing him deeply. He didn't know how to react so he just held my waist and kissed back with force. I reached into his back pocket and pulled his gun out and pulled out of the kiss as I pointed it at his temple putting preassure on it.

"This is what it is like to cheat on me," I growled looking at him, "It's like having a gun held against your head and I swear I will pull the trigger if you ever try this shit again."

"Seems I have myself a little psycopath don't I?" Joker laughed loudly looking into my eyes with a smile.

I smirked and chuckled lowly pressing the gun against his head harder, "Darling you haven't even seen crazy yet."

The next day Joker and I decided we were going to crash a party at the one and only Bruce Wayne's house. I got into my outfit and he put on his dark purple suit jacket. I walked over and kissed his cheek fixing his tie.

"Ready or not," I said in a small giggle.

"Here we come," He said smiling at me.

Once there we walked in. I was on his side with his hand around my waste as i shot my gun into the air.

"Ladies and gentlemen we are the amazing Joker and Jester! We will take all donations and any expensive items you have on your person! If you dont comply our boys here can change your mind!" I yelled in a higher voice than my own.

I separated from Joker to go collect money from the people along with watches and other expensive tiems people had on them. I looked around and didn't see Bruce Wayne anywhere. Before I knew what was going on I was knocked to the ground with pain in my head. I looked around seeing Joker fighting with Batman. He made eye contact with me before picking up one of the bags running out with the men. A tear slipped down my cheek as I watched him leave and sirens filled my ears slowly fading as I blacked out.

I looked around the cold room as I sat in a chair looking at the desk with the metal plate saying Dr. Penelope Young. I didn't feel anything right now. The image of Joker running away and leaving her there played over and over again. A woman walked in with long brown hair in a messy bun. Her heels clicked against the cold tile floors.

"Miss Crane do you know why you are in Arkham?" Her voice sounded like it was coming from a long tunnel.

"I'm a idiot for thinking he could love me," I said weakly as I looked at the hard wood of the desk, "I'm crazy for thinking it could work."

"You are here because we believe that we can help you Mrs. Crane. We here at Arkham know that you have the mindset of a smart sane woman. You were once a respected doctor here and I believe that you can get back to that state in a matter of weeks," Her words were nothing to me as I forced myself to look at her.

I nodded and looked back down. A guard walked in and took my arm dragging me out into the hall. I weakly looked at him and recognized him. His name was Mike and he helped me out a few times when patients would try to harm me or when I was carying things that were obviously too heavy for me.

"What have you done to yourself Raven?" He said weakly looking at me as he took me to a cell where I noticed a man on the tob bunk.

"M-Mike there is a guy in my cell," I said nervously looking at him wide eyes walking in slowly.

"Due to us taking in prisoners from Blackgate we no longer can separate men and women," Mike sghed and shut the door locking my cell.

I sighed as he walked away leaving me in the cell alone with the man on the top bunck facing the wall. I looked up at him and noticed he was a smaller man and I could most likely take him in a fight. He had dark brown hair that was to the middle of his neck from what I could see. I sighed and saw his hand resting on his side. He had a wedding band on his ring finger. I sighed sadly and looked at my hand seeing that I still had on my wedding ring. I might have told Jonathan I was done with him, but I wasn't. He was my first love and I woudn't be able to forget that. I crawled into the uncomfortable bottom bunk and rolled over facing the wall holding myself curing into a ball. Maybe I would see Jonathan here and we could talk about things.

Laughing at my fears ( Joker love story)(Scarecrow lovestory)Where stories live. Discover now