The Joker

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The man sitting before me looked up a large red smile carved into his face trailing up his cheeks from the corners of his lips. He had dark circles around his eyes that looked at me with an evil pressence within them. As I stepped in the room and closed the door behind me a laugh escaped the man's mouth.

"So doc, you here to ask me about my childhood and ask me why I commit the crimes I do?" He asked me smiling as I took a seat in the chair accross from him.

"No," I said flipping through my charts, " I am here to observe you and diagnose you. That is all."

I looked up from my papers and took in a sharp breath. The man had moved a few feet closer to me making me feel very uncomfterbal in the current sittuation. I steadied my breathing tryting to not make him aware of my current composre under the strong one i was trying to pass off.

"Tell me sweet cheeks, how did such a good looking woman such as yourself get hooked on a job here," The Joker's words made cold chills run down my arms that were luckily covered by my lab coat.

"We are not here to talk about me Joker," I looked at the chart in my hands, "Now, why do you refuse to tell the doctors anything real about your past. Are you scared to relve those momments?"

"Wow you almost remind me of Crane talking like that. trying to expose my fears doctor? Well if you must know my father was a drunk always beating me and my mom. I was always such a lonely-" Joker stoped suddenly once he saw me walking to the door.

"Goodbye Joker. Please feel free to make up another story for our next session. Maybe you will tell the truth at some point," I stepped out stuting and locking the door to his cell.

I pulled out my phone texting Jonathan telling him i wanted to go to the cafe near our flat after i got done writing y report on Joker. Something about him was strange. Yes he was a murderous clown, but it did intest me as to why he thought he had to hide things from me and the other doctors. I would get it out of him one way or the other. I had to crack this mad man if it was the last thing I was going to do.

When I was done with the report I texted Jonathan and let him know to meet me at the cafe and I was on my way. I got in my car to see a rose on the dash with a joker card and obscure writing on the back, "Rose for the thorn in my side ~J". I smirked and set the rose in the passenger seat driving to the cafe. I turned on the radio and "Only You" by the Platters came on instantly. I paid it no attention and kept driving. Once at the cafe i could see Jonathan sitting in the booth where we always sat looking cuter than ever. I smiled grabbing the rose and making my way inside. Jonathan smiled at me as I walked to the table and I threw the rose in front of him as I sat down.

"Cute Jonathan," I said digging through my purse, "I mean the words on the card were a little crude coming from you and using the joker card-"

"I didn't leave this for you Raven," Jonathan said pushing the rose back to me.

I stopped digging in my purse and looked at him, "Then, no, no he couldnt have gotten in my car. I locked it. He is locked up in his cell," I said running my hand though my hair resting my head in my hands leaning my elbows on the table.

"Who?" Jonathan asked concerned pulling my wrists so I vould look at him as he began holding my hands which calmed me down a little.

"Joker," I whispered with shaking in my voice, "Jonathan he left that in my car."

"He is trying to get in your head Raven. He does this to all his doctors. You need to relax. I told you I wasnt going to let anyone hurt you and I'm not. Raven, I love you," Jonathan said and in one quick movement he was in front of me on one knee, "I was going to wait and I know this isnt the place you wanted it to happen but you need to get away from this and I want to protect you Raven, will you marry me?"

"I love you too Jonathan! Yes!" I smiled and began crying as Jonathan slid the ring on my finger.

I wont bore you all with the details of my vacation from work and my wedding. I had a small wedding and it was perfect. Our hunnymoon was cut short due to Arkham needing us back. Apparently the Joker had drivin five doctors into leaving early and needing a vacation of their own. When we got to work Jonathan kissed me and headed on his way to his lab to work on a new experiment and I grabbed my charts heading down to Intensive treatment to see the Joker. I walked into his cell with a smile on my face and sat in the chair waiting on me with him sitting on the opposite side in cuffs.

"You have a good wedding?" Joker smirked at me.

"How did you know?" I looked at him then noticed him eyeing my wedding and engagement ring, "Oh yeah.."

"Such a shame. I though we had something Dollface," He said with a fake pout on his lips.

"Enough jokes. I could never be with a man like you," I crossed my arms looking at him with a straight face.

"Oh trust me, you would be better off with me, " Joker laughed, "Craney has his secrets too! Has your lover boy told you about his experiments? Do you know what he does down there in his little lab?"

Joker was getting worked up and all I could do was shake my head and look at my rings. I really had no idea what he did down there, but i was going to find out.

"Tell me how crazy hubby is when you come back," Joker said with a smirk as I stood up.

I made my way to the door and out into the hall. After locking the door I started towards the basement. I had to know what he was doing down there.

Laughing at my fears ( Joker love story)(Scarecrow lovestory)Where stories live. Discover now