Good Girl

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For the next few days I stayed locked up in the bedroom. I cried myself to sleep every night thinking of Jonathan and the monster he had become. He was my best friend and the man I loved. Why hadn't I noticed this before? I loved him. I trusted him. Joker would bring me food and clothes. I didn't eat. I showered then slept. That was how every day went.
Knock. Knock. Knock.

I got up and went to the door to see a henchman of the Joker's in a state of shock and worry.

"Joker needs your assistance! He's been shot and cut on his arm!" The man said with panic in his eyes.

I ran down stairs to see Joker on the couch shirtless with blood pouring from a wound on his chest and a slice down his upper arm. I ran to him and sat on the couch.

"What the hell happened?" I yelled as one of the men brought me a box of medical equipment and a bowl of warm water with a rag.

"Don't ask questions just get the damn bullet out!" He hissed as a man brought him a bottle of vodka.

I took the bottle from him after he took a big gulp and poured some of the contents over the cut and bullet hole. Joker yelled in pain taking the bottle back and drinking more. This was going to be a long, painful night.

After a while I was just sowing up Joker's arm and listening to him rant about the Gotham police force.

"There you go," I said cutting the thread and sitting back on the couch.

"You did good," Joker stood and went to the kitchen.

I stood and made my way for the stairs to go back to the room I was staying in.

"Come on," Joker said from the kitchen, "Have a drink with me. I won't bite...hard."

I rolled my eyes and made my way back to the kitchen taking the bottle Joker had been holding out to me. I took a big chug of the liquid and sighed.

"I haven't drank since mine and Jonathan's wedding night," I sat at the table and stared at the ring on my finger.

"Listen doc, that life is behind you now," he laughed and anger filled my mind and body.

"I don't want to hear shit come from you! You took me from my life! From my husband and do not think that I will enjoy being here! I hate you!" I growled and before I knew it the stinging sensation was upon my cheek again.

"Listen here sweet cheeks," Joker grabbed my neck firmly and lifted me up slamming my body on the nearest wall, "I won't expect you to like it here. I expect you to be happy that I haven't killed you yet! I give you food, clothes, a room, a bed, and your life! I could be so much more cruel to you and you don't want to see me be cruel! Now be a good little doctor and thank me that you aren't the one six feet deep in the ground!"

Tears streamed down my face as my breath was staggered and forced out, "Th-thank you."

"Good girl," Joker let go of me and I fell to my knees holding my throat coughing and gasping for air, "Some people would be so grateful to have their life and here you are crying over it. You are pathetic. I could have left you for Crane to manipulate and control, yet I didn't."

I nodded and looked at the floor, "Yes sir...I'm sorry I wasn't're a kind and caring man..."

"See if you would have had this much gratitude to begin with you wouldn't be on the floor," Joker laughed and walked up the stairs.

I laid on the floor for what seemed to be forever and finally got up and walked back up to the room I had been sleeping in. Maybe The Joker was right about me...maybe I am pathetic. Pathetic and scared for my life.

Laughing at my fears ( Joker love story)(Scarecrow lovestory)Where stories live. Discover now