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Days passed of being in the asylum with Jonathan. I went to therapy every single day to make sure I got control of my anger. Jonathan and I had become closer than we ever were before. I told him about Joker and everything that happened between us. I still have had no contact with the clown. He probably forgot about me and went back to stealing and sleeping with whoever he pleased. Sometimes I wondered if he really loved me.

"Mrs. Crane I am glad to tell you that if you keep up your meetings and staying calm and well restained you can be out of here and have your old job back," Dr. Young said with a small smile.

I smiled and shook my head lightly at the woman, "If I get out I won't be staying around. I plan on starting a life with my husband away from this life."

She nodded smiling as she wrote on her small clipboard. They told Jonathan that he would be alowed to leave soon as well as long as he kept up his good work. I was beyond excited to get out of here and be with him. We already knew we were moving to the good part of Gothem. We were planning on having a nice house and we even talked about starting a family.

I left the therapy room to head down to the lunch hall where i grabbed several of the discusting things they were serving that were oddly very appealing at this point in time. I sat down with Ivy and Jonathan at the table and started suffing my face as Ivy watched with discust.

"How can you eat that discusting vomit they call food?" She questioned resting her head in her hand looking like she was goin to be sick.

I just srugged and kept eating enjoying every single bite I took. Jonathan rose an eyebow and just laughed at me and my strange eating habbits. He should be used to them due to us living together for so long. Ivy got up and walked over to a trash can throwing up whatever food she had mannaged to swallow earlier.

"Maybe you should see a doctor," She said wiping her mouth.

"Says the woman who just vomited in a trashcan," I joked taking a bite of what was supposed to be chicken.

Ivy just shook her head at me and we all sat there and laughed.

After a few weeks went by Jonathan and I had to both get medically checked before we were allowed to leave the asylum. The nurse rose an eyebrow at me and handed me my papers saying I was clear.

"What?" I rose an eyebrow back at her laughing nervously.

"Congrats on the baby," She smiled patting my back before leaving the room.

I sat there for a moment confused. I hadn't slept with Jonathan since our honeymoon. My eyes got wide and I shook lightly. I got up and walked out to be met by my lovely husband. He smiled and held up the papers for him to be allowed to leave. I smiled weakly and took his hand walking to the front desk and handed them my papers as he handed in his. They stamped them with a large red CLEARED then they smiled and gave Jonathan his car keys. Jonathan lead me outside to his car and smiled getting in. I did the same and buckled up putting my hands in my lap and messing with my nails.

"What's wrong?" Jonathan looked at me concerned, "You mess with your nails when you're upset."

Tears bean streaming down my face and I knew I had to tell him the truth, "Im pregnant Jonatha."

I looked at him and he seemed happy until he realized why I was so upset. He sighed leaning his head on the steering wheel and took a few deep breaths.

"I can't believe you slept with him," Hearing Jon sound sad broke my heart and I didn't know what to do.

"He was there for me Jon," I said through tears, "He told me he loved me and that he would care for me, but it was all a lie and I see that now and all I can say to you is I'm sorry, but I know that won't change the fact that it's his baby!"

Jonathan pulled me into his arms and rubbed my back trying to calm me down. This was different from what I became used to. There was no yelling or hitting. There was no fighting. It was him comforting me and letting me know it was okay. Things weren't all violent and crazy. They were how a couple should be. We were actually working things out.

"Let's go find a house fit for our baby," He smiled and kissed my nose before leaning back up and pulling out of Arkham.

I watched as the grass and bushes went by in a blur and realized that life wasn't about winning or losing. It wasnt about being rich or poor. It was about acceptance and being who you really are. I might not be Doctor Raven Crane, but I was in fact Raven and I was Jonathan's wife. I wasn't some super villain or a doctor for the mentally insane. I was a mother to be with a new view of the world and it was time to start my new life.

Laughing at my fears ( Joker love story)(Scarecrow lovestory)Where stories live. Discover now