The Truth

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When I finally woke up I saw clothes at the end of the bed with a peice of paper on top
Get a shower and come to my office. Don't try to escape. I have guards all over.

I sighed and took the outfit into the bathroom with me and took a hot shower. The hot water hit my skin relaxing my body. Once I was out I grabbed a towel and dried off putting on my new clothes. I was sort of put off by the fact that he knew my size, but they were a bit snug. I put my hair up and walked to the bed room barefoot. I didn't realize that I had no shoes to wear. Then again, I wondered where my shoes were. I walked to the door and turned the knob. The door opened without a sound. I could run or do as he wanted. I'll play your games Joker...for now. I walked down the hall to a door that read Joker in gold letters. I smiled lightly at how official he made himself seem. I knocked lightly on the door.

"Come in," his voice sounded calm from where I stood, but I knew I was stepping into the lions den.

I stepped in opening the door. I saw him sitting at his desk wearing a pair of glasses. A clock on the wall read 7:04am. It was oddly early for him to be up considering most of the time Jonathan slept until ten. I noticed something about him as I waited on him to address my presence. He had no makeup on and his hair was now a dirty blonde. I looked and saw he still had his signature scars which wasn't a surprise to me. I knew they were real.

"You can sit down you know," his voice rang breaking my thoughts making me look at him.

He was pointing at a couch in front of the desk. I nodded and made my way over sitting down.

"Were you trained on emergency medical work while you were in school?" Joker asked suddenly, sitting up in his chair.

"Of course," I responded, "All doctors, no matter what field, are required to know emergency procedures. I was taught how to revive a heart beat, sow up a wound, stop bleeding, and on dressing infected or prone to infection areas."

Joker nodded and smiled, "You could be of use here."

I sighed and looked at him, "Joker, why am I here? You could have taken anyone so why me?"

He laughed and stood up walking in front of his desk and sat down.

"You don't get it do you? Crane is just as crazy as me. You just didn't make it to that little lab in time to see him in action," Joker smiled and I looked down.

"You're wrong...he's not crazy!" I screamed standing up, "Jonathan could never be cruel or hurt anyone!"

Jokers laughter filled the air, "He doesn't need to hurt them as long as he knows he has scared them dear!"

My heart stopped. Jonathan was obsessed with fear. He was always in the lab away from, I couldn't think about my husband like that.

"If you don't believe me then would you like to see it for yourself?" Joker picked up his laptop and handed it to me.

On the screen was Jonathan and a man strapped to a table that was lifted up so you could see the man as if he was standing. I clicked the play button and my horrors came to reality.
"Patient twenty five. I am about to give him my newest toxin in hopes that this this is enough to terrify him into insanity, but not enough to kill him," Jonathan said stepping in front of the camera then over to the man sticking the needle into his arm.
The man shook and screamed within minutes. He struggled screaming and begging to be untied. Soon enough he was out.
"Patient responded well. Air born toxin is now in developme-"

I cried closing the laptop as Joker took it from my shaking hands. My husband was a monster...and now I lived with another one. Tears poured from my eyes realizing the hell I was now forced to live in.

Laughing at my fears ( Joker love story)(Scarecrow lovestory)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant