Johnlock: Harry Potter AU (@WallflowerKaitelyn)

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        John had always been intrigued by Sherlock Holmes. He'd been a mystery since he had first laid eyes on him, amongst bustling students aboard the Hogwarts Express. Despite the constant jostling of students with large trunks and screeching owls, a young John Watson had stood outside the small carriage window, admiring the sight before him. Inside, was a lonely boy stretched out across one side with elegant fingers steepled beneath his chin and eyelids fluttered closed. It was not until the train began to jolt forward that John realised he'd been staring for goodness knows how long at the beautiful boy with the ebony curls. In an instant the boy had stood and strode across the carriage, sliding open the doors and staring down at John. Never in his life had John seen eyes like these, so enrapturing. They were like two tiny galaxies, glinting in the early morning light

        "Afghanistan or Iraq?" Said the boy in a low baritone voice

        "P-pardon" stuttered John, scared of what he knew

        "Your father, he's an auror fighting in which? Afghanistan or Iraq?" 

        "I-I ummm Afghanistan"

        "I knew it. And your sister? Is she here? Why aren't you sat with her?" Rambled the boy. 

        John only stood there, mouth open like a fish 

        "Oh don't look so vague, even a child could pick it up. Your jumper has long  hairs on the shoulder, a woman has obviously hugged you but not your mother. There is a photo of your family on your phone, she has brown hair your sister has blonde. The hair on your shoulder is blonde so indicates its your sister but how would I know she isn't just a muggle? Well looking at your trunk, it's frayed and tattered obviously used before. It's fainted but there are letters on the top "Harriet Watson", she wouldn't have taken it to any old place she must have been a student here. Judging that you have her trunk I'd like to guess she isn't here but either way I was attempting to be courteous. How is your sister? I hope her anxiety is getting better" 

        "H-her anxiety? But n-nobody knows?" 

        "It's really quite simple. That trunk, the one I mentioned earlier, it's been scratched around the lock. It's either a sign of an alcoholic or anxiety sufferer. She's too young to drink so it's anxiety" 

        "Umm-ok wow. That was incredible!" Exclaimed John. He'd never seen talent such as this, it was new and intriguing and John only wanted to see more 

        "Really? That's not what they normally say. Are you sure?" The boy said, his eyebrows furrowed 

        "Definitely, can you teach me how?!" Asked John pleadingly 

        "I suppose I can try ummm...sorry what's your name?" 

        "John. John Watson, first year at Hogwarts" his hand was shook firmly by the tall brainiac as a sly smile took over his prominent facial features 

        "Sherlock Holmes. Shall we Mr Watson?" Sherlock stood back from the door, allowing John to pass into the carriage John remembered was 221B.


        From then on the two boys were inseparable. Despite the boundaries of their two houses, Sherlock being an obvious Ravenclaw and John a Gryffindor, neither could deny that they were the best of friends need anyone say more? Amongst the late night meetings of their sixth year, beside the lake beneath the thousand stars that John still saw in Sherlocks eyes, emotions began to develop. Feelings unknown to both John and Sherlock grew and blossomed until neither could look at the other without blushing or stuttering. 

        It was around 1:00am and  Sherlock was throwing stones across the lake whilst John simply watched basking in the brilliant boys radiance. 

        "John?" Questioned Sherlock, his voice gently quivering 

        "Yes Sherlock?" answered John

        "In a few hours this whole place is going to be dust, yes? All our memories and happiness gone in an instant, correct?  I don't think I can handle that John, not now..." Sherlock sighed. John knew exactly what he was talking about. Harry Potter had arrived late that evening and having prepared the castle, the boys knew that war was coming and fast. 

        "Don't talk like that, Sher." whined John not wanting to think so morbidly "Me and you, we stick together. Thick and thin, tall and little. If we have each other then who needs all those when we've got tomorrow. There's another day ahead of this, it's so close we can touch it. Just..." Standing up, John strode towards Sherlock, taking his hands in his own. These actions weren't strange for the pair but Sherlock couldn't help the giddy feeling that went straight to his head at the touch

        "Just hold me now and let it be. Shelter me, comfort me" John began singing softly from his favourite film Les Miserable "So don't you fret Monsieur William" John chuckled at Sherlocks sweet frown, the use of his first name being the cause "You won't feel any pain. A little fall of rain can hardly hurt us now. I'm here and that's all you need to know." 

        In that moment it was only them. As thought the world had stopped moving, people were no longer existing, only them. Breathing together, smiling together, loving together. Inches, centimetres,millimetres only separated those Cupid bow lips from Johns. No longer could either wait and as Orion and Pisces smiled down on them, lips collided in fits of passion. They followed one another anxiously, desperate to prove their love for the other. Gasping for air in the crisp night they pulled away, watching with intense curiosity.

        "I-I think I m-may love you John" announced Sherlock. John was taken back, he was finally loved by the one person he devoted himself to. 

        "I think I love you too" he laughed happily, smiling for the first time in a while.

        "John, I know this has only just happened but if this is our last night, I want to spend it with you. If I die, I die by your side" and with that Sherlock kissed John again. That night love and passion was shared between the boys that were soon to become men. They would caress and cherish one another as if every breath was their last to take, forever reminding the other of their true love. It was a night never to be sought again...

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