Chapter 5

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I rolled over and groaned when Kelly's alarm clock went off. I opened my eyes before rubbing the crust out of them. The clock read 7:36AM and Kelly was still knocked out. I shook my head and rolled my tired behind out of bed to turn off her blaring alarm. I don't know how she doesn't hear that when it's right NEXT to her big ol’ head. I walked over to her and lightly tapped her shoulder.

"Kelly!" I whispered.

She stirred a little bit and switched positions, but seized moving shortly after. I rolled my eyes and began to shake her again. A little harder this time.

"Kelly!" I repeated louder.

This time she didn't even budge. I don't know how this girl is going to make it through college if she can't even wake her ass up on time for class.

"So you wanna do this the hard way I see." I thought aloud.

I backed up from her bed to get a running START and went charging at her. I jumped up and plopped down on her making sure to use all my body weight. She shot up and I fell back and bumped my head against the wall.

"What the hell?!" She yelled slapping me with her pillow.

I laughed and rubbed my head as she plopped back down on her bed. I got up and sat on top of her.

"I tried to wake yo' sleepy head up but you’re like a dead person." I explained.

"What time is it?" She asked with a yawn.

I covered my nose and pretended to pass out in an exaggerated manner.

"Damn Kelly you coulda at least warned me you was gon' unleash the dragon." I teased fanning my nose.

She kissed her teeth and turned her body causing me to fall off and crash to the floor.


"Good for ya ass." She said finally GETTING out of bed.

She slipped on her slippers and grabbed her towel.

"Thanks for the wakeup call." She replied over her shoulders before heading out the door.

I huffed as I sat down on my bed. I was STARTING to think she didn't appreciate me. Reclining back to a laying position I tried to go back to sleep since I didn’t have a morning class but the attempt was futile. I was fully awake thanks to Kelly. I decided to just hit the shower and catch breakfast in the cafeteria. I got my hygiene items and headed to the bathroom as well. I heard the water running and knew it was Kelly in there. There were only three stalls and two were available. An idea popped into my head. I was about to do something devious but then I stopped and reconsidered the possible consequences if I acted on my impulses. I really didn't need another bruise. I decided against it and just hopped in the next open stall. I took a nice long hot shower trying to revive my tired body. Within 20 minutes I was refreshed and out. At the same time Kelly stepped out in her towel.

"Where you goin’? Don't ya classes START in the afternoon?" She inquired.

"Yeah, but I was gonna go GET some breakfast and chill out till then." I answered while turning on the faucet.

"Oh ok cool." She replied before popping her toothbrush into her mouth.

I grabbed my toothbrush and JOINED her by the sink. We brushed our teeth and washed our faces before heading out of the bathroom and into our room. I threw on a simple white tank top and baggy, grey sweat pants while Kelly dressed up more for class. Just then there was a knock on our door.

"Come in." Kelly yelled zippering up her boots. Michelle entered.

"Hey." She said greeting us.

"Hey Michelle." I said greeting her back.

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