Chapter 11

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It had been a couple of days since Kelly’s little stunt. When I got home that day, I was so tempted to call her and let her have it, but I was through with the arguing, yelling, and name calling. I decided I would take a different approach. The ignoring approach. I hadn’t answered any of her 37 calls since then. Even going as far as to keep the chain on the door, so even if she opened the locks with her key she couldn’t get in. I haven’t been to work either. I was in total hermit mode. On my couch I lay curled up in a ball on my side, staring at the blank TV screen. Nothing was of interest to me. I had been in that position for hours. Mind heavy. Stomach empty.

Lazaro didn’t try to call me again. I take it he got the hint. Just as the thought floated around, the phone rang. Maybe I spoke to soon. The audio caller ID spoke.

Call from Kelly Rowland

I didn’t budge and let it ring out. Then there was loud banging on my door. Turning over to my back I placed a pillow over my face to suffocate the noise. Vaguely Kelly’s muffled voice traveled through that thick chunk of wood. I pressed the pillow down harder. I took in a deep breath and released it all, screaming as loud as I could. Expelling all of my frustration, annoyance, and anger that had been stored up. Partly alleviated, I removed the pillow, swung my legs over the couch, and walked towards the door. Sure enough she was still screaming and pounding. I removed the chain and proceeded back into the living room. The door eagerly flew open. I sat down and propped my feet up on the coffee table.

“What?” I retorted looking over at her.

Michelle was standing alongside her. She wasn’t immune to my cold shoulder either. If anything, she had something to do with it. Each took their seat on either side of me.

“It wasn’t my idea!” Michelle exclaimed immediately throwing Kelly under the bus.

I looked at Kelly who was shooting Michelle a dirty look. I awaited her explanation with my left brow cocked.

“Bey I’m sorry.” That was all she could muster up in the moment.

Unsatisfied I started to get up from my seat, but Kelly held me back down. “Look Bey, I know you’re upset.”

“Upset ain’t even half of it baby.” I glared at her.

We both sat there, arms folded in a fierce stare down.

“Look ya’ll are being ridiculous.” Michelle said frustrated. “Beyoncé yes Kelly was trifling again but she only means well. What’s the worst that could happen if you go out with this man?” She questioned.

“Because.” I simply put.

“Because what?” She interrogated.

“I don’t know!” I screamed. “I’m scared.” I softly admitted.

Michelle scooted closer to me and hugged me. “I know you’re scared but you gotta make the step Bey.”

I shook my head, declining her advice. Kelly exhaled loudly.

“Look Bey, I’ll make you a deal. Just go on a couple of dates with him and I promise I’ll never interfere with your love life again. No more giving out your number, no more schemes, no nothing.” She bargained.

“Yeah, what do you say?” Michelle added.

“Whose side are you on chelles?” I asked looking at her in disbelief.

“Both you guys.” She answered. “Let’s not forget you promised you would try, and so far you ain’t did a damn thing to show it.”

“Exactly!” Kelly chimed in.

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