Chapter 8

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I paced my room, trying to figure out my next move. As a spy, I had mastered the art of thinking on my feet, but let me tell you. In all my years of spy training, I have never had to deal with something as complicated as this.


I whipped around to see Toby leaning on the doorframe. 

"Uh, T-toby!" I was flustered for only a second before I remembered something. 

"Wait! Who's watching-"

"Jax," he cut me off. 

"But he's just a techie."

"Where I'm from, everyone gets the same training, princess. He can do everything you and I can. Trust me if Soles tries anything, Max will have him unconscious faster than you can say Timbuktu."

"Oh." I turned around, building up the courage to talk about what happened in the fun house. 

"Listen, Toby, about what happened earlier I-"

Just as I turned around to look at him, I was shut up by Toby, whose lips were now on mine.

As surprised as I was, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him towards me a little too hard, causing us both to fall into my bed. 

We continued to kiss, Toby propping himself up on his elbow to keep him from crushing me.

"Hey Fin?" There was a knock on the door.

I pushed Toby off of me and scrambled off the bed just in time for Norman to open the door.

"What do you want Norman?" 

Norman looked between the two of us and shook his head. "Right. I've been watching some old footage of the security cameras in the school and I found something interesting," he gestured for the two of us to follow him. 

I avoided Toby's gaze as we followed Norman into the tech room. 

"What's you find, Einstein?" Toby asked him.

Norman raised a brow before turning on the large screen in the center of the room. He played several clips of Bailey talking to Leila.

"I don't get it. They're just talking," Toby leaned back on the table behind him.

"No, they're not. What teenage girls talk like that. The look on their's like they're hiding something," I paused the video, pointing out Bailey and Leila huddled in a dark corner of the hallway.

"We want to know more about Bailey, the best way to find out might be through Leila," I tell them.

"One of you needs to get close to her," Norman says.

"Well, she hates me," I point out.

"Toby can do it," Norman looks at him.


"Yeah. Leila just about body slammed her friend to empty a seat for you," Norman tells him. 

I pushed down my own feelings, getting in the right headspace for the mission. "He's right. Get close to her, find out what she knows."

"You're okay with that?" Toby looked at me.

What was that supposed to mean? We kissed once...okay twice...and now he thinks that I have this weird hold on him, or he has some hold on me. 

"Why wouldn't I be? Whatever the mission needs," I gave them both a tight smile. "I should go switch with Jax."

I walked out of the room, leaving the boys behind. I stomped down the stairs, now knowing why I was so upset. 

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