Chapter 19

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He didn't really talk to me all week. Anytime we had to go over anything from the mission, he remained professional, like he was just any other spy. He was indifferent, and in a lot of ways that was worse than when he was cold and rude.

But I couldn't really complain. It was my fault. I was so dead set on protecting him and so convinced that pushing him away would save him that I didn't take into consideration that me pushing him away is what would truly hurt him. Thank god Norman smacked some sense into me...literally.

I only hoped it wasn't too late.

I had tried talking to him throughout the week, during lunch, and in our classes. Even in Home Ec, he only gave one word answers and quietly finished his part on any group projects. We had turned Bond back in and passed with flying colors, and it only earned me a tight smile.

By Friday, I had just about given up and was resigned to the fact that I may have lost him. A fact that I was not taking very well.

I had finished taking a shower and headed back to my room to put my uniform on for school, since we had a game tonight, but I was distracted by something on my bed.

I was a football jersey, but it definitely was not mine.

"Norman? Is this yours?" I held it up as he came in my room.

"Nope," he shook his head, a devious smile on his face. "Did you read the note?"

"What note?" Just as the words left my mouth, a small sticky note fell off the jersey and onto my bed.

I picked it up to read the contents.


-Toby x

"It's from Toby?" I smiled, excited that he was finally reaching out.

"He gave it to me yesterday to leave on your bed. Turn it around!" Norman was practically vibrating from where he stood.

I turned over the white jersey and across the back read 'West.'

"It has his name on it. It's his away jersey. All the football players are giving their jersey to someone to wear," Norman explained. "I'll meet you at the car!"

I slipped the jersey on and was immediately surrounded by Toby's scent, which made me want to hug it tighter. It was way too big so I tied the extra fabric into a knot.

"It looks so good on you!" Norman complimented when I joined him in the car.


I didn't get to see Toby until lunchtime. In all my years as a spy, I never thought I would be this nervous to talk to someone. I always prided myself on being calm, even in high pressure situations. 

I was playing with the hem of his jersey when I spotted him sitting next to Jax, the seat to his right empty. I glanced over at Leila who looked about ready to kill me, but that look was almost comforting in comparison to how I felt approaching the empty seat. 

Toby gave me a small smile as I sat down, making me feel infinitely better. 

"I'm sorry," we both blurted out simultaneously. 

I looked at him, confused. "What are you sorry about?"

"What are you sorry about?" He looked just as confused. 

"A lot of things," I admitted. "Talk later?" I was going to tell him everything tonight.

He nodded. "After the game. Nice jersey," He winked. 

I was smiling before I even realized it. "You think so? I might just keep it then."

"Looks better on you," he told me, bumping my shoulder. 

"Alright lovebirds, focus," Jax shook his head. "What's the plan for tonight. 

"Well it's obvious that they know Wesley goes to this school. I saw Carl sitting the stands the last game so they know about the football schedule too, which means there's a really good chance that someone is going to show up tonight," I explain. 

"I'll have the comms set up and tracking on the subject," Norman made a note on his watch. 

"I'll get a hold of our contact at secret service to see if they can up security for the game. Get all eyes and ears. Maybe a couple cameras," Jax added. 

"Okay, great. Toby will be with him on the field so that's covered. And I'll be able to scan the crowd for anything suspicious," I told them. 

We were quiet for a moment, the air starting to feel a bit grim, before Jax finally spoke up again. 

"Do you think we're getting near the end?"

We all looked at each other, not daring to mention that each day closer to the end brings us closer to the fight of our lives. And we could only hope we would all make it out the other end. 

"I'm not sure," I shrugged. "But I don't think it's going to be very pretty when we do."


We were halfway through the game and I hadn't spotted anything suspicious. Jax and Norman were monitoring the cameras over our comm units every few minutes giving us all clears. 

I followed the other cheerleaders out to the middle of the football field for halftime, while Toby, Wesley, and the rest of the team headed to the locker room inside the school. 

I was being tossed in the air for some trick when I heard Norman's voice over the comm. 

"Someone hacked our units and shut down our visuals! I stopped them from hacking anything else but Jax and I are going to have to check on the cameras manually to get them up and running again."

"Copy, 274," I whispered, landing in the arms of the girls who tossed me. 

I spun to the side to start a tumble sequence "106, do you have eyes on the subject?"

"He went to the restroom. I'm waiting for him to come back out so we can all head back," Toby told us. 

"We have the cameras up and running again!" Norman cheered. "Just give me a few seconds to retrieve the footage we missed...Oh shit!"

"What?" Toby and I immediately asked. 

"You need to...we need to...there's a back door in the bathroom and they got him!" Norman stuttered out. 

I heard a loud bang which I assumed was Toby busting through the door. 

"Fuck!" He let out with another bang. "He's gone."

We had finished the routine and were now exiting the field for the remainder of halftime. I scanned the area, hoping to spot anything that could tell us where Wesley had gone. Out of the corner on my eye, all the way across the parking lot away from the school, I saw glimpse of a jersey being pulled behind a car. 

I took off sprinting in that direction. "I think I see him. South end of the parking lot. He's in a struggle with someone but I can't see who."

"Wait for backup! I'm on my way," Toby yelled.

"It'll be too late! They're taking him now. Track my location," I told them, not stopping. 

Figuring a gun might draw too much noise and attention, I pulled out my throwing knife, ready to incapacitate whoever had a hold of Wesley, but with the way they were holding him, I couldn't get a clear shot. 

I reached Wesley and without even thinking about it, I pulled him away from his attacker with all my might, letting my arms come down to stab their shoulder. They turned their head to me and I recognized Alex, who did not look the slightest bit pleased that I had just stabbed his shoulder. 

"Finley!" I heard Wesley's panicked voice for a second and instinctively turned to see Mateo knocking him upside the head, rendering him unconscious. The one second I was distracted was all it took for Violet to lock me in a chokehold, placing a rag over my face. I struggled against her hold, punching, kicking, and stabbing wherever I could. I felt her body go limp below me but it was too late and I slowly felt myself losing consciousness. I felt myself being lifted and thrown someplace cold. Wesley's body being dragged into the van was the last thing I saw before I blacked out. 

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