Chapter 12

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"Where's the subject?" I asked Toby and Jax, referring to Wesley.

There was a second of silence before I got a response.

"We lost him," Toby's voice responded.

"Wha-How? Agents! What happened?" I was running faster now. "Never mind. There's a group of teens heading towards the South entrance. One girl, two guys, dressed in all black. One has a motorcycle helmet."

I was almost at the exit. "Agent 274 are you able to track the subject?"

"I have his location pulled up. He's at the South entrance! You're heading right towards him!" Norman told us.

I saw Toby and Jax a little ways behind me. I made eye contact with them before sprinting out the door. Luckily nobody seemed to be on this side of the mall as it was filled with empty storefronts so we didn't have to worry about witnesses.

Through the glass door, I could see the two of the teens from earlier. The dark haired one had a hold of Wesley who was struggling while the girl laughed at him.

Where's the other one? Right as I burst through the door, ready to tackle them I got my answer. I was grabbed from the side and put into a tight hold, a gun jammed against my side. 

I struggled against his hold, trying to shove my elbows back to inflict some kind of damage. I looked over at the door, knowing that Toby and Jax were going to burst through the door any second too.

The girl stood a few feet away from the door, a gun hid behind her back. I tried to scream out to warn them but a sweaty hand was clamped over my mouth. I bit at it, which only earned me an elbow to my shoulder, causing me to grit my teeth in pain. 

Toby and Jax skidded to a stop the second they came through the door, spotting Wesley on their right and me on their left. Toby took a step towards me while Jax turned towards Wesley but the girl stopped them. 

"Move and they both get shot," she trained her gun on them. Toby and Jax looked down at the guns pressed to Wesley and my sides. I shook my head to let them know I was stuck. 

"Hey! No...communicating!" The girl narrowed her eyes at me. 

"Now Violet, that's no way to treat our guests. Especially ones that brought us such a great catch," the guy holding Wesley patted his cheek. 

"Make that two, Mateo," motorcycle guy laughed. He moved his hand off of my mouth, moving his hand lower. I internally cringed at the way his hand felt, my body tensing as he roughly grabbed my left breast. I let out a yelp in pain and Toby and Jax both clenched their fists. 

"Alex," the girl warned. Giving him a murderous glare. 

"Relax babe. She's just a toy," he winked at her. "If only we had more time," He squeezed my ass before moving the gun to the side of my head. Feeling him violate me like that made me want to vomit. 

I was ready to kill this creep. I looked over to the gun in his hand and saw that the safety was still on. What an idiot. 

Knowing he wouldn't be able to shoot me. I quickly swiped my arm up, hooking the arm with the gun, and flipped him around, knocking him hard enough with the butt of the gun to knock him unconscious. He slumped down to the ground at my feet and I released the safety, pointing it at Mateo who still had Wesley in front of him. Wesley had stayed surprisingly silent during the ordeal, probably in shock. 

"Backup's delayed guys," Norman's voice sounded regretful over the comm. 

"You're still at the disadvantage," Violet taunted, waving her gun in Toby and Jax's face.

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