Chapter 5

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Once Coach dismisses all of us, I watch Wesley walk over to Bailey who had also finished practice. They walk hand in hand towards the parking lot. I follow behind from a distance until I see them get into his designated vehicle with a Secret Service tail. Once they drive off, I walk back to Norman. 

"Got anything?" I ask him.

"I think so. But not here," Norman looks around. This must be something important. I've never seen Norman act this serious. I'm so used to him happy-go-lucky personality. Closing the laptop he had brought, he tucks it into his backpack swinging it over his shoulder, trailing after me as I start to walk over to the car. 

"Shoot!" I stop mid-step, turning to Norman. " I forgot my stupid calculus textbook in my locker. Can you take my backpack? I have to run in and grab it. I'll meet you in the car," I tell him, handing him my backpack.

I jog back into the school as quickly as possible. The less time I had to spend here, the better. What was Uncle Gray thinking sending me here on my first mission? This place was exhausting. I'm a fully trained spy and I'm struggling. How do normal teens do this for four freaking years?!

"Just tell me where he is!"

An unfamiliar voice brought me out of my thoughts. I freeze. The voice was coming from around the corner. It could just be some other students who were here late or had to get something like me. Right?

"Tell me where he is and maybe I'll let you live!" I hear the same voice again.

Or maybe not.

I quietly walk towards the edge of the wall and peak over the corner, taking in the situation. There was a man turned in my direction holding a gun down by his leg, almost like he was trying to hide it. Across from him was a another man but I could only see the back of his head. What if it was a student?

"Not going to happen. He's ours." I recognized that voice. Toby! 

"Come on. So you really care about Wesley. I mean he's not worth anything to you. Just tell us where he is!" The man shook the hand with the gun as if to show he was serious about shooting. 

There was a pause in the conversation and I wondered if I should wait for something to happen but if I was going to take either of them down alive, I needed to think of something fast. With a plan in mind, I put on my huge smile and quickly rounded the corner.

"Toby!" I squealed. I saw the man quickly move his hand behind him to conceal the gun but I pretended not to notice.

I saw the panic in Toby's eyes but the rest of him remained calm. Boy was he in for a surprise once he found out who I was. 

"Finley." His jaw was clenched. "What are you doing here?" Even though he was talking to me, his eyes remained on the man the entire time. The man on the other hand was watching me.

"Oh! I just forgot my textbook. You know me, total airhead!" I joke with a huge smile trying to look oblivious to the tension. I take the short silence to observe Toby of the man. The shape of their clothing suggests that neither of them have any larger weapons on them, besides the gun the man is holding. They could possible be hiding some knives but I could work with that. I still had the taser and the gun under my shorts, not to mention the throwing knives but it would be a lot easier for me and the cleanup crew if I don't have to use any of it.

"So go grab it," Toby says, much harsher than his usual tone.

"Aren't we snappy today," the man says.

I turn my attention towards the man to "notice" him for the first time.

"Oh! Are you Toby's father? Am I interrupting an important conversation?" I ask, tilting my head to look innocent. "Are you grounding him?" I fake whisper. 

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