Chapter 15

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"Wait, what did you do with Bond?" I asked Toby when we had reached the bottom of the stairs. 

"I have him," Norman called out. "I left him in the kitchen."

"Thanks," Toby headed in that direction. 

"How is he?" I asked, referring to Wesley who looked about two second away from throwing up on the couch. 

"I only got as far as to tell him he was in danger. I didn't even get to who we are yet," Norman told me. 

Toby and I walk over to the counter where the monitor on the wall was turned on. Jax was already waiting.

Jax put an arm around my shoulder, giving me a quick squeeze. "You scared us." 

"Sorry." I felt bad. I never wanted to be the weak link on the team. 

"Don't apologize. As long as you're okay?" Jax still looked concerned. 

I nodded, letting him know I was. I saw Toby looking over at us curiously.  

I looked back at the screen. "I thought you said they were-"

"Agents!" Uncle Gray's face suddenly came on the screen. 

"Ahh!" Wesley screamed. We all turned back to look at him. "Sorry," he mumbled. 

"Good to see you kids," Uncle Gray greeted. 

"It's good to see you as well Mr. Howley," Toby nodded. Uncle Gray nodded back, looking amused.

"Uncle Gray. I thought we were debriefing separately," I crossed my arms. 

"Yes, well that was before we realized how closely you four have to work together. The threat is obviously getting closer and we felt full transparency between all of us would be the safest for you," he explained. 

"We?" I raised a brow. 

"How are you agents doing?" Another face popped up on the screen next to Uncle Gray.

"Mr. West!" Jax greeted. So this was Toby's father. 

"Agents 105, 106, I trust you two are behaving yourselves," he had a teasing glint in his eye. It reminded me of Toby, despite the fact I knew he was adopted. 

"Yes sir!" Toby gave him a mock salute. I could tell they had a really good relationship. 

Mr. West. chuckled, shifting his gaze to Norman and me. 

"You must be Agent 007," he smiles at us. "And Agent 274."

"Pleasure to meet you, Mr. West," I tell him, politely. 

"The pleasure is all mine, 007. You're a very impressive agent," he compliments. 

"Thank you sir."

He nods, before greeting Uncle Gray. "Gray, old friend. How are you?"

"You two know each other?" Toby looked shocked. So did I. 

"We worked together on a couple missions back in the day," Gray explains. 

"If you know each other, why didn't you guys trade agent files when we started the mission?" I asked, thinking back to when we had to be on the lookout for Toby and Jax. 

"I wasn't originally the point of contact for our academy on this case. But our headmaster had an unexpected emergency so I am stepping in for the rest of the mission," Mr. West explained, 

"Okay, someone needs to tell me what's going on because right now, this is basically kidnapping. My father will send secret service if you don't let me go," Wesley threatened.

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