Chapter 11

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"You know, he's actually kind of cute. In a creepy Chucky kind of way," I ran a finger over Bond's cheek.

I heard a snort from Toby. When I look over at him, he has a hand over his mouth and his shoulders are shaking. He took one look at my confused expression and broke out laughing.

"What?" I huffed, annoyed.

"I can't believe you tried to tase our child," Toby wrapped his arms around his stomach as he almost fell off the couch.

"It's a robot!" I defended. "I would never tase our actual child."

Toby's whipped his head to look at me, his cheeks turning pink. "O-our child?"

My eyes widened as I realized what I had said. "I didn't mean-"

"Get suited up guys!" Just at that moment, Norman came bouncing down the stairs, Jax close behind him. 

I stood up a little too fast, almost dropping Bond. "Oops."

"Here, I'll take him," Toby reaches over and I gratefully hand the robot over. 

"Comm units?" I turned to Norman. 

He hands over a pair of simple blue studded earrings. He then motions for Toby to hold his hand out. Norman turns his own hand over and we both look at him confused. 

"It's microscopic!" Jax looks like he's about to burst with excitement. 

I squint my eyes, focusing on Toby's hand and spot a small black dot. "That's the unit?"

Norman nods. "Yours is in the earring Finny. One is the mic, the other is the speaker. We had to figure out how to hide the guys' comms and came up with this. You can stick it to the inside of your ear. Can't even tell it's there."

"Cool," Toby comments as he carefully inserts the comm. 

"Alright. Now we are extremely late so lets get a move on!" Norman grabs Jax and Toby's wrists, dragging them out the door. They both turn back mouthing 'help' and I can't help but laugh as I follow them. 


Someone please kill me now. I don't know how much more of this I can take. 

I had a fake megawatt smile plastered onto my face as I watched Bailey model about the twentieth dress in the last hour. 

"That one looks so good on you too!" I clapped my hands. 

"Thanks!" Bailey beamed. "But what do you think about the color. 

"Mmm...nope. It washes you out," Norman decided, pointing back to the dressing room for Bailey to try on the next dress. 

"Me next!" Leila's voice screeched from the next room over. She pushed the curtains back and stepped out. 

I stifled a laugh as I took in her dress. She looked like a traffic cone. Norman elbowed me, shooting me a warning glance. 

"It's...interesting?" I finally managed to push out. 

"Isn't it?" Leila smiled, looking in the mirror. "I wanted to stand out. You know, since I have a hot date and all."

"Well, he'll definitely be blinded by that," Norman commented. 

"Whose your date?" Bailey stepped out of the dressing room in a different dress. 

"Toby asked me yesterday and I said yes!" She smirked at me. I feigned indifference, causing her to frown. 

"T-toby?" Bailey looked over at me, but I kept a relaxed smile on my face. "You asked Toby?"

"Yeah. Why is that a problem?" Leila kept her eyes trained on me as if she was waiting for me to explode. 

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