Chapter 6

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Jax met us in the driveway and we all walked inside to the kitchen.

"Woah! This place is cool! Is that the latest HD surveillance monitor?" Jax looks around at the several monitors we have set up around the house. Wesley shows up on the screen in his room doing his homework.

"With facial recognition software so we can focus on one person specifically!" Norman adds. "Hors d'oeuvre ?" He holds up a tray with fruit and crackers.

I give him a weird look, confused at how quickly he put it together.

"Alright we need to get down to business. First things first. You're agent 106," I look at Toby. "So that means you're agent 105?" I look at Jax.

"Yup! And you guys are..." Jax asks.

"Toby didn't fill you in?" I raise my brow.

"Well in my defense I was distracted by the gear in the car..."

I roll my eyes. "Fine. Sure. Agent 007," I tell him pointing to myself. "And Agent 274," I point at Norman.

"She's 007?" Jax turns to Toby with wide eyes. "But she's a girl!"

"Really? I hadn't noticed," I narrow my eyes at him and he flinches.

"Anyway, next thing is I have to quit football," I tell everyone.

"What! But you're so good at it!" Toby grabs my arm.

"Didn't Mr. Howley tell you to join an extracurricular? To be close to Wes?" Norman points out.

"Yes... But that was before we found out Toby and Jax were the other Agents. If Toby is joining football then he has eyes on Wesley at all times. We can expand our base if I have eyes on the people closest to him."

"So what are you joining?" Norman asks.

I grimace. "Cheerleading."

Toby lets out a huge laugh earning him a punch in the arm, courtesy of moi.

"Didn't you say you'd never join cheerleading?"

"No, I said I didn't want to hop around in a skirt while some other team gets all the action. But only one of us needs to be on the football team and it would be much smarter for the other person to join to cheer squad to keep an eye on Bailey. I'm pretty sure they're both hiding something and we have to figure out what it is. So unless pretty boy over here wants to join the cheer squad we don't really have much of a choice."

"I'm good," Toby put up his hands.

"Well, I'll take Jax and Toby to the equipment room and update their watch systems and their gear," Norman says.

"Great. I'm gonna change real quick and I'll meet Toby downstairs to go over our plan for the week. Oh! would you mind sending the football coach an email telling him I'm out? I'll text Bailey about...cheerleading," I make a face at Norman before heading up to my room.

Taking a quick shower I pull on black leggings and a matching tank top before half-drying my hair and strapping my gun and a knife to my outer thighs. I send a quick text to Bailey asking her to join the team to which she quickly responded saying I was in and asking for my uniform size.

Walking down the stairs, I see that Toby is already waiting on the couch, playing around with his new watch. I could see Wesley talking to someone on the phone in his room on the TV monitor.

I take a seat next to him, tucking my legs under me. I look over at Toby to see him staring at me.


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