Chapter 1

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"Agent 007!"

I turned away from the punching bag I had been working out on for the last half hour to face the voice that just interrupted my workout.

A tall skinny boy with red hair and glasses trips over the mat as he runs towards me. I look up at him expectantly.

"Can I help you?" I ask. Everyone knows not to interrupt me during a training session so he's either really brave, stupid, or he has something really important to tell me.

"Agent 007," he starts.

"Just Agent 7. Or Finley. Please."

I'm sure we're all aware of the famous 007, James Bond. Unfortunately when I was "adopted" by Uncle Gray when I was a baby, I also became the seventh agent recruited for the first experimental spy school created by Interpol. Hence the never ending James Bond and Mission Impossible jokes.

"Okay Finley!" The boy replies, giving me a cheeky grin.

"What do you want?" I snap. Growing up at this spy school, I know the value of time and one minute can mean the difference between life and death. I swear I'm not usually a bitch but I can be a little cranky in the morning, especially when I'm in training mode.

"Ooh feisty. I like you Finley."

"What do you want, Agent?"

"Oh! I'm not an agent. Yet, or probably ever actually. Unless they make me a techie. You know I'm more into stuff like hacking into school systems to change my schedule around so I get all the super cool teachers and..." He suddenly stops talking as a boxing glove hits him in the head.

My boxing glove.

"Ow Finny. You know your aim is great but you're really not a good listener."

"I'm going to ask you one more time. What do you want?" I ask, getting increasingly frustrated.

"Oh! Just that Mr. Howley is wanted to see you."

"You could have opened with that!" I grab my boxing glove which landed a few feet away from me and quickly head out of the gym.

"Bye Finny! See you later!" I hear the boy call out after me.

I break into a sprint down the hallway of the school as people move out of the way. I sort of have a reputation around here for being a little too serious when it comes to, well, everything. I mean how can I not be. It's no secret that a lot of the kids at this school will end up becoming Secret Agents. And nobody wants a flaky agent out of the field.

I slow down to a walk as I approach Uncle Grays office. Being the headmaster of the academy, he no longer goes on any missions, but growing up I've heard countless stories of his time as a hotshot spy. One day I hoped to go in as many missions as he has but so far Uncle Gray hasn't let me really leave the walls of the school.

I know on the door and hear some papers shuffling on the other side.

"Come in!"

"Hey Uncle Gray! What's up?" I ask, walking over to him, giving him a big hug.

Uncle Grays the only person that I fully trust and let my guard down around. He may seem scary, standing at 6'4 with huge muscles, dark hair, although it's a little gray now probably thanks to me, and piercing blue eyes that would have even the most experienced agent squirming in their seat, but to me he's just a big 'ol teddy bear.

"Hey Finny. So I assume Norman found you?"

"Is that the red haired kid? You know he interrupted my training."

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