Chapter 4

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"Hey! Do you wanna sit with us for lunch?" Bailey came up to me after Calculus.

"Sure! Do you mind if my cousin joins us?"

"The more the merrier!" She links her arms with mine and I have to counter the instinct to fight her off. She starts pulling me toward the cafeteria with Wesley following close behind.

I send a quick message using the spy watch that we're all given at the Academy to let Norman know to find me in the cafeteria.

"So we sit with a bunch of guys from the football team and some cheerleaders. I think Wesleys exchange students are sitting with us too. Everyone's super nice so you should have no problem fitting in!" Bailey tells me, leading me through the lunch line and to a table in the middle of the cafeteria.

"Everyone, this is Finley! She just started today and she's sitting with us. Oh, her cousin too." Bailey tells everyone, letting go of my arm and grabbing Wesleys hand before sitting down.

I take a seat next to Wesley and look around at the table, recognizing a few of the guys from my classes and a couple of the girls as the ones I ran into in the hallway this morning.

"This is Matt, Danny, Carl, and James. They were on the football team with me last year," Wesley points out some of the guys at the table and they give a small wave. I quickly commit the faces and names to memory so that Norman could run background checks on them later.

"That's Leila, Brittany, and Selina," Wesley points out the girls from this morning. Leila refuses to acknowledge me while Brittany and Selina glare. If I hadn't been through torture training in eighth grade I might be a little intimidated.

"Hey Finny!" Norman comes up to the table and takes the seat next to me. "Hi guys! I'm Norman." He gives everyone a smile. I'm jealous of how easy it is for him to be "normal." Wesley stares at Norman for a few seconds before snapping out of it. Nobody else noticed as they were too busy engrossed in either their own conversations or lunch.

Once everyone gives Norman a welcome, Wesley continues with the introductions.

"The one right there is Jax. He's my exchange student," Wesley points out a boy with black curly hair and brown eyes. He gives me a small smile.

"I thought you said you have two?" I ask, recalling a conversation from earlier.

"I do. And look, here he comes now." I turn and see a dark haired boy walking to the table. He's tall, tan and muscular, similar to the guys on the football team. Our gazes lock for a few seconds and I'm met with the bluest eyes I have ever seen. I get a weird feeling in my stomach I've never felt before but I quickly shake it away, switching back into spy mode.

"Guys, this is Toby. He's my other exchange student," Wesley tells us.

"Toby, come sit by me!" Leila practically screams, pushing Brittany off her seat.

"Thanks but I think I'll just sit here," Toby tells her, taking the empty seat next the Jax. I hold back a snicker, earning me a look from Toby.

I spend the rest of lunch listening to everyone's conversations trying to pick up anything that might help I'm finding the other agents and whoever's responsible for the threats. By the time lunch ends, I've only picked up bits and pieces about football stats from last year and something about botched highlights. I catch Wesley looking at Norman a few times but only for a second so I don't think too much of it.

At this rate I'm going to be here forever.

"Find out anything?" Norman whispers to me as we're all getting up to leave.

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