Chapter 2

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The next day all through classes I was bouncing in my seat, which earned me some weird looks. Compared to my usual serious demeanor I guess it was quite different. But I can't help it! I mean, my first mission! Sure, it was more of a babysitting gig than a mission but if I could do well here than there's no doubt I'll get a better assignment next time.

After my classes finally finished, I quickly ran up to my room to put together a bag. I've never been one for material possessions so I only brought a few essentials including my spy gear, my favorite book, and a necklace Uncle Gray gave me from my parents for my 10th birthday.

Making my way down to the hangar, I spot the jet plane with the academy logo on the side. See, this place looks like a private academy to anyone on the outside but it's really a spy school, although Uncle Gray hates when I call it that. So while the world thinks that we're a bunch of rich kids who's parents don't want them around, we're actually learning how to hack international security systems and hand to hand combat. The students that graduate from here have gone on to work with the CIA, FBI, and even Interpol, although what you do after you leave the academy is up to you. 

I climb into the jet and take a seat, still bouncing from my excitement as I wait for whoever will be my tech backup. I hope it's someone good. Even though I should be able to do whatever their tasked to do on my own, having a little help will allow me to be more focused on babysitting the president's son.  


My eyes shoot up to see Norman bouncing over to me.

"Um...what are you doing here? I'm supposed to meet my backu- oh no. It's you?"

"We're going to have so much fun!"

"Are you two ready for takeoff?" The pilot comes over to ask.

I'm still staring at Norman trying to process that he would be my backup for who knows how long.

"We're ready captain!" Norman tells him.

"Look Norman," I start.

"You know my name! Agent 007 knows my name!" 

I give him a weird look. "Yeah. Anyway, I don't really want to do this and I'm sure your not too excited about stalking some boy for the next however many months but lets just do this as quickly and as efficiently as possible got it? Oh, and I'm in charge."

"Of course Finny-bear. Although I have to tell you, I have no problem with watching this boys every move 24/7 I mean have you seen him? Swoon!" Norman exclaims. "Which reminds me..." He pulls out two folders, handing me one.

"Here is all the information you need for the mission. It has your alias and information, mine so we can get our stories straight, Wesley's-"


"The president's son," Norman shoots me a duh look.


"A layout of the school and white house, and I printed a few articles outlining how teenage girl's act and what a high school is like," he finishes.

"I am a teenage girl. I would like to think I know how to act like one."

"Au contraire, mon ami. You are about as similar to a teenage girl as I am to a piece of spinach. I've been to a high school before, although I was only there for a year and I was at the very bottom of the totem pole but I can give you some information on what that's like. Oh! And when we get settled, we can watch some movies to get a better idea of the high school experience. You know, research. It'll be like a girls night!"

"Girl's night?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, you know what I mean."

I sigh, looking back and my folder to study the information I would need. Luckily, names are never tied to an agent's identity, what with the millions of alias one might use in their career, so I could use my actual name for this mission. Starting tomorrow, I would be Finley Williams, age 17, junior. I am emancipated and currently living with my cousin Norman who is attending the same school as me. Well at least we won't have to explain why there are no parents with us. Norman was listed as the same age as me. I quickly scanned through his backstory, which was similar to mine and moved on to my subject. Wesley Harrington, 17, junior. I looked over the picture of him in my file. A boy with blond hair and blue eyes. He truly looks like an All-American boy, which is fitting for the president's son. His girlfriend's name is Bailey and they've been together for two years. He has some of the best grades in his class and is president of the junior class as well as a receiver on the football team.

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