Chapter 3

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The weekend flew by with only one trip to the mall where Norman made me stand in a Sephora for an hour while he picked out some basic makeup I just "had to have" and picked out a few outfits that a typical teenage girl would wear. I was able to sneak in some more workout and training clothes while he wasn't looking so I would be set for our stay here.

Before I knew it, it was Monday and I was putting on my uniform for my first day at Gilliam Prep. The skirt fell to my knee and even I had to admit was a little dorky and long. I buttoned up the white shirt before looping the tie around my neck, making sure to tuck my necklace under my shirt. Luckily the blazer was optional so I left it in my drawer. It was still hot out in Washington D.C. and even with my long sleeves rolled up, I knew I would be sweating.

Walking out of my room, I almost bump into Norman who has a look of horror on his face.

"What?" I ask him. His uniform is similar to mine, only he gets the wear long pants instead of a skirt. Lucky kid. Do you know how hard it is to chase people down in a skirt? Although it might come in handy for concealing weapons.

"Please tell me you're not done getting ready."

"I am..."

"No. Nope. It is your first day and we cannot have you looking like you just rolled out of bed. Trust me. All of these other preppies are going to eat you alive."

"What do you mean? We're all wearing the same uniform!" I protest as Norman drags me back into my room, pushing me down into my bed.

"It's not about the uniform. It's about what you do with it. Now let's start with a little makeup. Luckily your hair is naturally straight and doesn't look too messy so we can leave it," Norman tells me while applying the makeup he picked out yesterday.

"Okay I really don't think I need the makeup. I mean it's just school right?"

"Wrong! This is a first impression. If you solidify your status as somewhat cool now, it will be a lot easier for you in the future," He says, quickly finishing up with some lipgloss. "Now stand."

I stand up while Norman hands me a mirror and starts messing with my skirt. I can tell he put on some foundation to even out my skin tone and applied a little bit of eyeliner and mascara, not too noticeable but just enough to make my green eyes pop. He even applied some light pink lipgloss and blush to add a little more color to my face. I still looked exactly like me, only a little better.

"And we are done!" Norman tells me. I look down to see that he had pinned up my skirt several inches so that it now fell mid thigh. This was a little too short for my liking considering the fact that I never wore skirts in the first place but it felt a little pointless to argue with Norman now.

"Um... thanks, Norman. I just hope there enough room to still hide my gear."

"You're bringing weapons to school?"

"I kind of have to, The whole point is to protect Wesley and as much as I love hand-to hand combat you know what they say. Don't bring a knife to a gunfight. Or I guess, don't bring your fists to a gunfight."

"Huh, I didn't really think about that. Tech brain!" Norman says, pointing to himself. "Oh! Which reminds me..." Norman quickly runs out of my room and comes back in a minute later, handing me a ring.

"Here is your tracker. You can find the mission logo on the back. And I added a new feature where if you touch your tracker with someone else on our mission it'll light up. Watch."

Norman hold unclips a dog pin from his shirt and holds it up to my ring which I had slipped onto my right middle finger. When the two tracking devices touched, they both emitted a single green flash.

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