Chapter 16

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The rest of the week passed by fairly calm. Wesley still acted a little nervous around us, but it wasn't noticeable to his friends. 

Before we knew it, it was Saturday. I only hoped we could make it through the dance without anything terrible happening. With the loud music and amount of students, I knew it was going to be a lot harder to keep track of Wesley and our surroundings. 

"Ow!" I was pulled out of my thoughts as Norman pulled my hair hard enough to rip out a couple strands at the root. 

"Stop being a baby," he rolled his eyes.  

"Are you almost done?" I didn't like sitting still for long and I still had to put on my dress and head to the weapons room. 

"Perfection takes time," he told me, continuing to curl and pin strands of my hair. Now it was my turn to roll my eyes. 

"I just have to spray this piece...and voila!" Norman turned me so I was facing a mirror. 

"Wow," I breathed. My hair was curled and pinned up in some intricate half up half down thing and I could barely tell I had makeup on, except it enhanced all of my featured. 

"Call me Anne Sullivan because I am a miracle worker!" Norman clapped his hands. "I'm gonna go change. You should too!" He called over his shoulder as he made his way to his room. 

I got my dress out of the garment bag and slipped it on, turning back to the mirror. The girl looking back at me looked sweet, not at all intimidating. I blinked a couple of times, making sure it was actually me in the reflection. I looked the same, and yet so so different. 

I looked like...a normal girl. 

I felt myself smile, before I quickly reminded myself I was going for the mission, not to have fun. I went into the weapons room, strapping a gun to my right leg, and a throwing knife to my left. I had hoped that just the two would be enough for the night. 

I heard the doorbell ring downstairs. 

"Finny! The door!" Norman called out. 

"I heard it!" I yelled back. I bounced down the stairs, checking the camera to make sure it wasn't a stranger, before opening the door where Jax was waiting in a suit. 

"Hey," I greeted. I tilted my head. "Nice suit." I looked behind him and saw he was alone. "Where's 106?"

Jax looked apologetic. "He went to go pick up his date."

I felt that punch in my gut again. "Right."

"Here, I got you this," Jax handed me a clear box with a corsage that matched my dress. 

"What am I supposed to do with this?" I asked. Not rudely, I honestly did not know. 

"I'll help," Jax chuckled. He took the corsage and easily slipped it onto my wrist. "There."

"Thanks!" I lifted my wrist, admiring the flowers. "Oh! I was supposed to get you one of those stabby things!"

"I got you covered!" Norman came up behind me with a boutonniere in his hand. He had decided to add a sequined bow tie to his outfit. "And I modified it so if you remove the cap at the end it's a tranquilizer dart."

"Cool!" Jax looked excited. I took it from Norman, examining the sharp end before carefully sticking it into Jax's suit. 

"Okay, I promised Mr. Howley I'd get pictures. He's really excited to see you all dressed, by the way," Norman told me. "But first, shoes!" He hands me a hair of heels. 

"Norman!" I looked at the heel. It wasn't too high but it would still make it harder to run. "How do you expect me to chase anyone down in heels?"

"If anyone can do it, you can," he just shrugs. "Plus..." he pressed a button on the side and the end of the heel extends into a spear. 

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