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Konan, Pain and Naruto had been travelling to the hideout for twenty four hours, and only now were they beginning to see the fruits of their efforts.

Jumping, their hands behind them horizontally, they sprinted on the branches of the trees. Pain was in front,  leading the group of three while Konan ran next to the Uzumaki in suspicion despite their former agreement. Feeling a direct glare to the side of his blonde head, Naruto slowly turned and smiled awkwardly at the hostile woman. Snapping her head back forward, she began to quicken her pace to catch up with the redhead a few branches ahead.

"Can we really trust him?" The mauve haired woman whispered once beside the ginger. Fortunately for the two, the wind was blowing the opposite direction so their conversation wasn't carried to the whiskered boy a few ft behind them.

A worried expression flashed across the pierced man's face momentarily before going back to it's mutual form. Shaking his head lightly, he furrowed two copper eyebrows together at the woman's concerns, "I don't know, but the protection of the nine tails is far too good to refuse. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for this organisation."

Just about when Konan was about to probe further, the outline of a cave came into view. It was very well hidden by a crowd of tree's so anyone passing by would never come to question it. The Uzumaki didn't even notice it straight away despite being part of the village Anbu and only came to realise it's existence as he followed Pain and Konan's line of sight towards it.

Leaping down from the branches, they landed steadily onto the pine leaf covered forest floor, a slight crunching noise at the force of the impact.

Naruto took in his surroundings as they submerged themselves into the thick canopy of leaves which covered the entrance: silver cobwebs glistening with moisture from earlier rain - clinging to the thicket. Pushing past these however, he came face-to-face with something you could call a doorway...but without the fancy things like a handle or a plank of wood. So, pretty much, not a doorway.

"If you stand there staring dumbfounded at the entrance you're never going to save Sasuke." Pain's voice bounced from the stone walls in an echo as he continued walking through the passageway, not waiting for the blonde.

Gathering his thoughts up once more, the Uzumaki snapped his attention back to the voice and the sound of footsteps slowly leading away into the abyss of the cave. Sighing, he hurried after the two elders.

Hurriedly walking around a corner, the darkness from before seeped away as they got closer to a clearing with a crackling fire in the centre. Finally, the blonde stepped forward into the makeshift light to the two leader's sides. Just as Naruto was about to question what they were doing, a fiery blonde stormed into the room.

"You told us that you'd be back in twenty four hours, well guess what, it's been forty eight." Blonde hair, much like the Uzumaki's, trailed down their back in an half up-half down style. The male pointed accusingly at the leaders, but before he could rage on, he came to notice the presence of a shorter blonde beside the two and stared at him in confusion.

The ruckus Deidara had made before had obviously woken up other members as a non human looking creature dragged itself across the floor, Naruto stared down at it in horror, it's neck made a clicking sound to stare back up at him defiantly. Deidara glanced down at Sasori beside him then back up at the unknown blonde, scoffing at his reaction. Still smirking, the fiery blonde turned his attention to the Hidden Leaf symbol resting atop the Uzumaki's headband.

"You're from the Hidden Leaf, hm?"

Naruto was just about to answer before he was interrupted by a silver haired man leaning against the doorway.

⌇𝐗𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧ˢᵃˢᵘⁿᵃʳᵘHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin