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Children from the academy sprinted across the patterned  tarmac. Various girls played hop scotch in the view of the teachers, talking about their crushes and making flower crowns and bracelets out of soft white daisies, while the boys threw fake shuriken made out of scrap paper from the classrooms pretending to be the Hokages. Yellow hair and tan skin reflected the light of the sun as Naruto attempted to join in on the imaginary games.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki, the greatest Hokage Konoha has ever seen!" Snickering, the boys looked at the whiskered boy who had his arms crossed across his yellow shirt, his face spread in a proud smile. "Someone as weak as you will never be Hokage, you can be the enemy."  They laughed in mock, pointing stubby fingers towards the now angered Uzumaki. Embarrassed, the blonde's ears turned red,  stepping towards the group of arrogant boys.  The groups' eyes widened as they saw a certain ravenette behind the boy. Turning away, they sprinted as fast as their legs would take them in the other direction. "You better run!" The blonde stuck his tongue out at the fleeing boys, laughing as he remembered their terrified faces.  Naruto's smile slowly faded however as he felt a dark presence behind him.

In shock, the blonde whipped around to face this imposter. "Idiot! Don't stand behind me like that!" Pouting, he stared daggers into the taller boy's eyes. "How long have you been standing there?!" After a moment, the ravenette's eyebrows knitted together in irritation.

"You talk too much, dobe."

That was 4 years ago, my first ever meeting with Sasuke.

Naruto leaned back onto the wooden dock with a tanned hand, sighing in content as his feet dangled just above the water's edge.

"That ice cream of yours is going to melt if you don't eat it soon." Sasuke sat crossed legged next to the blonde, resting his head on his pale palm tiredly. Blinking, the Uzumaki inspected his ice cream, eyeing the small droplets of white that were beginning to cascade down the side of the crispy yellow cone, he shrugged, lapping them away with his tongue. Sasuke shifted his eyes from the pool of rippling water up to the rose and coral coloured sky. "We should start heading home."

Finishing his ice cream, he turned his tanned head to face the setting sun, letting the beams of weakening light absorb onto his now glowing features. "I want to stay out here longer with you." Pouting, the blonde crossed his arms. The Uchiha glared at him out of the corner of his ebony black eyes. The blonde huffed in defeat, "Promise we can meet here again tomorrow?" The ravenette got to his feet, followed by Naruto who looked up at him expectantly. "Yes."


"Cross my heart." Sasuke looked down into the blonde's glowing cobalt eyes, ringed with a beautiful shade of azure and specks of cerulean, winged with delicately curved onyx lashes. A small smile crept upon the raven's lips at the blonde's childish demeanour.

"Cya!" Naruto waved, smiling widely as he sprinted off to his apartment downtown, his blonde locks bouncing in the evening breeze. Coal eyes blinked, watching him slowly disappear around the corner of a cobbled wall. Sasuke placed his pale hands into his worn marlin blue jean pockets, walking home.

Messy blonde hair spread across his soft pillow, his tanned limbs clutched onto his orange duvet for warmth. His mouth was open, a slight bit of dribble on the side as he snored like an idiot. Disturbing his sleep, an alarm beeped rudely at the side of his bed. Annoyed, he blindly searched for the centre of the noise with his hand, shutting his eyes tighter to avoid the light seeping in from his window. Finally, he hit an object and the noise stopped to his success. The blonde smiled in content as he snuggled his face back into the warm covers.



Shit! He was meant to see Sasuke today!

His cobalt eyes shot open, sitting straight up and kicking his orange covers off of him. Hurriedly, he shoved on his navy blue jeans, and much to his dismay, falling over in the process. Still zipping up his pants, he sprinted to his small kitchen and grabbed a piece of bread which he really hoped in that moment was not out of date.

He didn't want to relive that milk incident that happened in the academy again, god no.

Rushing to the door, his shirt on backwards, he grabbed the handle. His radio didn't even cross his mind, as he slept with it on, until he heard 'Uchiha massacre" just as he was leaving the door - mid-sprint.

Uchiha massacre?

Still comprehending what he had just heard, he turned his head to his radio that was still rambling on about the incident.

'Last night, at fifty nine minutes past eleven pm, the Uchiha massacre took place. Lord Third, Hiruzen Sarutobi, was also found dead in his office earlier this morning. Danzo Kato and his anbu report they saw  Sasuke Uchiha leaving Konoha, running away when they called out to him, leaving us with Sasuke as our number one suspect for the massacre and the murder of the third Hokage.'

Naruto's breath hitched, slamming the door behind him desperately as he ran down the apartment stairs, tripping at the last one. Quickly recovering, he pushed himself back onto his feet and sprinted through town, almost knocking an old lady over, which he hastily apologised for over his shoulder, instinctively running towards the Uchiha district.

Upon finally arriving, he slowed to a stop. The whiskered boy was met with neon yellow police tape and a large crowd of noisy villagers and news reporters.

Naruto stood behind the crowd, still attempting to catch his breath. Furrowing his blonde brows together, he slowly turned and walked back to his apartment. Shock was still evident on his usually excitable facial features, the sadness of his loss not even having the time to catch up, yet.

⌇𝐗𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧ˢᵃˢᵘⁿᵃʳᵘTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang