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Slight gore warning ⚠️⚠️

Naruto had ended up sleeping on the concrete floor that night in one of the various passageways. Yes, it was uncomfortable but he'd rather that than get his virginity taken by Hidan.

Even after a few weeks, the Anbu had trained him to be aware of his surroundings even while asleep - resulting in him becoming a very light sleeper. So, when a banging sound erupted from a few corridors down it wasn't too much of a surprise that he woke up.

Shaking his head in irritation, he placed a hand on the wall for support as he gradually lifted himself up to stand properly. A loud string of curse words echoed through the passageways as the Uzumaki reluctantly followed the noise.

Entering a brightly lit room, Naruto took in the scene of clay models scattered across the floor and a very worried looking blonde man.

"This is a crime organisation, not fucking arts and crafts." The Uzumaki spoke to Deidara from across the room. Oblivious to the fact that these clay models were in fact bombs, he trudged unknowingly into the room.

"Do you have a death wish, hm?" The fiery blonde man warned as he watched the ignorant boy walk through the models of clay. However, that is easier said than done, the dobe falling flat on his face.

An explosion alit the confined space, Deidara darting forward to smack the younger out of the way. In the panicked flurry, countless more bombs went off causing the entire Akatsuki to awaken. The smoke beginning to clear, the two teens flushed against a nearby wall, having successfully avoided being hit by the many explosives.

Pain hurried into the room, coughing at the dust that had erupted from the caved in ceiling. To his surprise, he was confronted by Deidara protectively hugging the Jinchuriki to his chest. The fiery blonde and the leader made eye contact, the ginger of the two raising an eyebrow questioningly at the pair's position.

Blushing madly, Deidara shoved the Uzumaki off, "Be careful where you land, un!"

"You dragged me there!" Naruto dusted his Anbu uniform with a flick of his hand, still recovering from the shock of the explosions and the other blonde's unnecessary reaction.

"Shut up, hm!" Shaking his head, Deidara came to the realisation that Pain was still seething in the doorway.

Eyeing them with shaky violet eyes, the ginger spoke in a chilling tone, "You're both as good as dead."

They both had black eyes, but at least they weren't dead.

They had been forced to repair the room but was saved thanks to Sasori and his obsession of 'never being late.' Currently, they were jumping through the tree tops in the guessed direction of Orchimaru's hideout. Most Akatsuki members had been ordered to stay at base but the lucky few had been sent on the Sasuke rescue mission. These included Deidara, Pain, Kakuzu, Hidan and of course, Naruto Uzumaki.

The Jinchuriki focussed on the path ahead, having not forgotten the previous events with a certain blonde. Behind him, Deidara and Hidan menacingly glared at each other. Pain was in the lead with Kakuzu not far behind.

"I'm pretty sure this is it." Pain crouched down on a branch, staying hidden from potential straying eyes from the entrance of a cave just below him. The hideout wasn't very noticeable, but the snakes that slid around the entry were a dead giveaway.

Kakuzu glanced down at the Japanese Keelbacks that littered the undergrowth, "Use chakra at your soles to walk on the ceiling." The masked man finished with a slight waver to his tone, he hated snakes with a great passion.

Nodding, the others lightly jumped down from the trees till they were perched on top of the arch of the entry. It was difficult, but they were able to swing down and connect their feet to the ceiling - avoiding any unnecessary confrontations with the reptiles below.

It wasn't very easy to walk on said ceiling, the water from a nearby lake had leaked through the surface of the rock and continued to drip down to the carved out floor. Deidara grumbled about his hair being ruined while Hidan snickered at the fiery blonde's misfortunes.

The Uzumaki stilled, collecting nature energy till an amber colour collected around his eyes will a horizontal slit-type pupil, apricot eyes glowing in the dim light of the cave.

"Nice eyeshadow, Naru." Hidan's lips twitched into a sly grin before Pain kicked him in the shin, effectively shutting the sadist up.

The younger blonde let out a 'tsk' before focusing back on the task ahead, concentrating on the various chakra's situated inside the hideout. Despite the ones beside him, he noticed the prominent auras of five other people. Despite the four others, one caught his attention, Sasuke's. Grinning, the Uzumaki nodded towards the other members before swiftly running in the direction of the Uchiha.

Fortunately, it didn't take long the organisation to reach the chamber in which the raven was kept in. Jumping lightly down to the floor, they looked up, their eyes still adjusting to the candle light. The heat flickered violently, illuminating the cramped space. Behind a set of steel bars, a figure leaned against the wall of the cavern, a plaster mask spread across their eyes.

Naruto's breath ghosted the icy air of the chamber in light puffs, examining the cruel scene before him. The being was confined in a straight jacket, buckles running down the centre of the alabaster material. Covered arms were forced across their chest in a folded style, steel shackles hanging around their bruised ankles. Dark purple marks littered their cheeks, dried blood leaking down their forehead from the messy raven hair.

Deidara noticed the blonde's discomfort; placing an arm around the side of the younger's head to bring to his chest in a comforting manner.

Naruto sighed lightly at the gesture, however abruptly pulled away from the heat. Standing, the Uzumaki reached forward to wrap a tanned hand around one of the bars that confined his friend, the heat from his hand contrasting greatly against the icy metal surface.

"Sasuke?" The whiskered boy's voice rung around the cellar softly, alerting the unknowing raven in the corner on the opposite side.

Lifting his heavy head, the Uchiha turned blindly to the side in which he guessed the voice was coming from.

"Naruto? Is that you?"

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