419 19 10

It was very funny to write Naruto as homophobic in this, being that he just sucked Sasuke off.
TW: Slurs

Sasuke contined to pant heavily still calming down from his crashing orgasm, stroking Naruto's cheek gently with his index. But as the seconds grew on, time seemed to stop for the blonde. Looking up at the raven now, he realised individual features he had failed to notice before hand. How his irises had a faint azure hue, or the delicate onyx lashes which winged his eyes; giving him an almost feline look. A warm feeling clouded his chest, he couldn't help but lean into the loving touch. 

A soft smile decorated the Uchiha's usually sharp features, calming down from his high gradually. His irises had a gentle look about them, it was difficult to believe the man was a mass killer with a gaze as kind as that. 


The soft calling of his name took the blonde back to reality, humming in response to the question.

"I love you."


"I said I love you." Sasuke whispered gently, pure love coating his tone as he addressed his childhood crush with the words he had longed to say for years. The blonde had the Uchiha's utter trust, something that was extremely difficult to acquire. But as the words were spoken, Sasuke found himself spontaneously staring back at the coldest glare. The elder male's body froze at the response, looking away in shame.

Furrowing his eyebrows together in frustration, Naruto pulled away from the other's touch bitterly. A 'tch' sound escaped his lips, glaring judgementally at the obviously gay raven. He despised him at that very moment, the mere look of him filling his stomach with a nauseous feeling.

"So you're a faggot?" Naruto laughed, wiping a tear from his eye as he giggled away. Sasuke stared back with wide eyes of betrayal, the corners of his eyes filling with tears at the rejection and homophobia. This was definitely not what he had expected of a reaction, he really did think his feelings were returned. Eventually, the Uzumaki calmed down from his laughter fit and his face went serious.

"I hate you." Naruto whispered coldly, ignoring the pang of hurt which rippled through his chest. His whole heart was screaming at him to get over there and kiss the raven, but his pure will tore him away from such an action. Sniffing, he took one last glance at the Uchiha before disappearing into the night.

Hearing the door slam shut, Sasuke gritted his teeth harshly as a sob tore throughout his body; the pitiful noise filling the otherwise silent room.

The wind roared on, drowning out the pathetic sniffing and trembling breaths of the blonde teen as he trekked his way back to the Leaf. Rain soaked his apricot jumpsuit, the material now sticking to his perfectly defined body. The rain masked the boy's tears streaming down his cheeks, the wind paining his ears. But as he traveled, he knew right then he deserved it. He deserved every bit of pain aching through his body.

Biting his inner lip, he kept himself steady as he felt he was walking on stilts, his body swaying with each gust of wind. The treacherous downpour grew on, numbing his senses until the beat of his heart slowly ebbed away. Grabbing at his chest in pain, Naruto's legs gave out wearily. His fingertips were a dark shade of wisteria, his nose a bright pink as he heaved pitifully.

Amongst the snow storm; the blonde wasn't the only one struggling through the elements. Although this person was slightly better off, armed with heavy ruby armour which clinked unsatisfactorily with each painful step. His obsidian locks held   small snowflakes from where the storm roared on; his sharingan gaze illuminating the misty surroundings.

Eventually, the male came to a stop. His breathing was corrupt and heavy, his face wrinkled with hundreds of years of wisdom. Eyeing the collapsed Uzumaki, he bent down to inspect the trademark features.

"Found you." Madara smirked, heaving the male onto his back as he carried him throughout the snow storm.

Amidst the ever growing storm, another figure stood. Their obsidian and crimson robe heavily contrasted the dull colours of snow. Their presence went unnoticed by the ancient Uchiha, the figure's eyes observant as he watched the blonde be dragged away in the clutches of evil.

The night was almost sleepless, Sasuke had fallen asleep atop the covers with his usual daytime clothing clinging to his sweaty physique. Throwing up all night really sucked, his chest heaving painfully with each excruciating breath. All throughout the night, the raven had sorted around for the blonde expecting for him to be next to him. There was a new break in his heart every time he woke and realised his friend was not there, the mental causing a physical ache throughout his body.

Though for why he had been so sick, Sasuke had no idea. Maybe his drink had been spiked back at the hideout, or the stress had caused his immune system to fail. Either way, he wasn't going to let it get the better of him as he pushed his frail frame from the bed. He'd only booked one night in this stingy one night stand, he was due to leave anytime though. But where he'd go, he did not know.

Packing his things into a neat pile, he left the room without a trace. Sasuke knew he needed to be extra cautious, no normal person could simply leave the Akatsuki once they had committed themselves to the organisation. But despite his cautions, he knew he'd be eventually out smarted even with his Uchiha intelligence and quick thinking. It really didn't help that, that blonde boy was still on his mind either, his movements a little less thought out than usual as he crept through the forest.

The peace of crunching snow and snapping twigs underfoot did not last long, for a sharpened kunai whizzed past his head. It seemed to be thrown as a warning, not a case of slaughter. Holding his breath, Sasuke pivoted hastily to see a very familiar woman.

In that moment, he knew he was done for. The breath he was holding was not released, as he waited upon uncertain death. Although, the fatal strike never came. 

"Konan." A whisper finally left his lips, still mortified from the occurring situation and from what he thought was a near miss of death.

"You look like you've seen a ghost." The female laughed, taking notice of the way the Uchiha shifted uncomfortably to check his pockets for a shuriken to defend himself if needed, "I am not here to kill you."

The raven's body physically relaxed at this statement, but his onyx eyes held curiosity as he waited for the Akatsuki member to continue.

"I have came to the conclusion you had no choice but to leave, you and that Uzumaki are inseparable." Konan noticed the wince at the mention of Naruto's surname, her features softening to a comforting smile, "About that blonde, actually.."

"I originally tracked you down last night, but instead I found something quite out the usual. I didn't believe it at first, but with those unmistakable markings I have no doubts that Uchiha Madara has taken Naruto." Her speech was slow and cautious, not knowing how the male opposite would react to no longer being the 'last Uchiha'.

"Bullshit, over the years shinobi have acquired many things but immortality is not one of them." Sasuke spat, overly offended by such nonsense. Not only was Konan talking about Naruto which opened it's own personal wounds, she was now making up some fairytale for him to believe.

"You don't need to believe me, but you only have a certain amount of time to save that kid." Konan's face was seriously, staring into Sasuke's own ghostly white. But within a blink, the female was gone. What an outstanding shinobi...

Audibly sighing, he pushed the conversation to back of his mind. There was no way he was going to believe folk tales like that, what was he a child? Scowling at the forest floor under him coated in left over snow, he carried on his mission to find shelter.

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