430 17 2

Probably the most sexual chapter so far in the book so far.

Scanning the room for important trinkets, Sasuke's eyes rested upon the two neatly placed rings lined with silver. Surely, those would be worth a lot. Deciding they were worth enough to take with them, he slipped his onto his finger and encouraged Naruto to copy. They knew they didn't have much time.

"We shouldn't bring anything else, Sasuke." Timidly, the blond whispered as he watched the Uchiha scan the room cautiously. Nodding in agreement, the raven beckoned the younger male to follow with a flick of his wrist.

This was the tricky part, actually getting out of the hideout. Paranoid, the young males repeatedly checked behind them and kept their ears listening for the slightest sound of a foot step. They were lucky that footsteps echoed through the champers, but not so lucky that it had multiple dead ends.

"This was such a bad idea, your paying for my hospital bills, teme." Whispering, Naruto's azure eyes narrowed at the raven playfully as they carefully creeped their way through the hideout.

"If we get caught, there will be zero hospital bills to pay." Sasuke sneered back, a darkened look crossing his features as he seriously came to the realisation that if they were caught, they'd be killed on the spot. To be fair, this was no time for jokes. However, if they didn't laugh about it they'd cry.

Time passed, and they had soon realised that they had made it all the way to the exit. It was a surprise, everything went so smoothly it was almost suspicious. However, the two men thought nothing of it as they raced to freedom. Surely all that mattered was the present, they didn't have to worry about the future.

The two had been running for so long they completely forgot their shortness of breath, however the fatigue quickly caught up with them as their adrenaline withered away. Having run for almost half an hour straight proved to have serious affects as the two boys collapsed next to each other on the forest floor.

"Hey, Sasuke." Naruto panted out between heavy breaths, his chest rising and falling in a rushed motion as the raven's copied.

"What?" Despite the Uchiha's harsh language, there was a hint of playfulness in his speech as him and his companion stared upwards at the canopy of trees towering over them. Light barely broke through the thick patches of leaves to shine down upon them, but there were very few spots which had managed to drain through.

"How long can we stay here for?" Whispering, the blonde turned to the side to watch the Uchiha's reaction.

Obsidian eyebrows knitting together for a moment, he opened his mouth to speak however what ever came out of it was unheard by the Uzumaki, the teen's attention directed on the male's rosy lips.

"Naruto? Are you even listening?" Sasuke scowled, switching his icy glare to the idiotic blonde beside him.

"Oh, yes I am." Nodding, the younger male attempted to sound convincing, sweat dropping from his forehead as the Uchiha's eyes scanned over his body.

"Whatever, let's just get going." Letting out a soft hn sound, Sasuke pushed himself up from the muddy grass with the blonde quickly following in pursuit.

"Where are we even going?"

"Shut up, dobe."

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