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Raven hair danced graciously in the lace white moonlight. It had been a day since the unexpected meeting between Sasuke and Naruto and it was time for them to meet once more. Sasuke just hoped the dobe was good enough as a ninja to not get caught doing so. The whole village was quiet, it being reasonably late at night, the rouge ninja blending in the shadows of the old team seven training ground.

Truth be told, Sasuke had always liked the dobe since they were young. At first, he didn't realise what the feeling was, but now he was coming to recognise it as love.

"Ready, set, begin!"

Iruka Sensei's voice rung momentarily around the clearing. Across from the young ravenette,  Naruto was already charging towards him amongst the chants of various girls cheering Sasuke's name. His tanned hand was clenched so clumsily in a fist that even a toddler could of seen through it. Grabbing his wrist, the onyx boy pushed the other onto the sandy ground, sending dust particles into the air at the speed of his movement. As the dust cleared, Sasuke came to the realisation that he was on top of the blonde, unconsciously savouring the way his helpless lapis blue eyes looked up at him, feeling an unfamiliar sensation in his lower abdomen at the sight of it. Iruka quickly dismissed the fight, announcing that the raven was the winner as the girls erupted in a chorus of cheers.

A smirk crept upon his pale features at the memory, shifting in his hiding place. Across the open field walked a silhouette dressed in bright orange clothing which contrasted widely against the darkened indigo lighting of the night. So he was right, the dobe was awful at being a shinobi. "Tsk."

Sasuke emerged from the thick canopy of leaves, his soft pale skin practically glowing in the soft light of the moon. "You're late." Onyx eyebrows knitted together in frustration, his raven hair waving as he shook his head slowly in annoyance.

"At least I have the dignity to not mercilessly massacre my entire clan."

"Your clan was dead from the start, you wouldn't get the chance to." Anger flashed through Naruto's features at the comment, about to raise his voice when the raven clapped a pale hand over his mouth.

"Shut up would you? You'll get us caught." Rolling his lapis eyes, Naruto huffed and sat in annoyance on the sage coloured grass. "Just explain and get this over with." Sasuke sat down across from the blonde.

Crisp breeze brushed against his pale cheeks, a faint blush reacting at the tip of his nose as the air seemed to chill around him the closer he got to the Uchiha District. Royal blue flags with the Uchiha clan symbol rippled as Sasuke wandered through the stone entrance of the district. Faint scents of fresh blood hung eerily in the indigo night. As he turned a corner, his breath hitched at the sight; bloodied bodies of his comrades scattered like litter across the grounds, their face a disturbing shade of ivory; facial features stretched into permanent screams of terror.

Rushing forward, he knelt down onto the blood stained battle ground and put a pale hand down to their darkening purple faces. Ice cold. Only a hint of heat remained which proved that they couldn't of been dead for too long. Wiping the sticky crimson liquid from his hand that he had received from the corpses, he stood, his knees shaking in trauma.

Unexpected female screams echoed through the walls, which Sasuke picked up on, sprinting frantically in the direction of the familiar noise. Following it to his home, he slowly pushed open the door, afraid of what he would find on the opposite side. His fears were confirmed at the sight of his parents' limp bodies lying in a heap on the ground,  fatal slash marks across their faces and chests creating a large mess of sticky crimson. Glass was shattered onto the stained burgundy red flooring from a broken window which he presumed the attacker used to break in. Where was Itachi?

Powerful hands grabbed his shaking arms, holding him against the blood splattered walls. Eyes widening, he looked upwards to see his usually sweet brother towering over him. "Sorry, sasuke. This is the only way. Please protect yourself."
Blood gurgled in Itachi's mouth from multiple slashes across his abdomen making him see in a purple fuzz, slowly losing consciousness.

"Aniki, why are you doing this-" His speech was cut off with an excruciating scream of pain as Sasuke felt his eyeballs torn from their sockets. Falling to the ground, he clasped his face in agony, feeling the warm tendrils of blood leak down his traumatised features. Among his own screams he could hear Itachi grunting in pain and the sound of blood splattering across the floor. Shaking palms were placed against his bloodied cheeks as Itachi's sharnigan were placed into Sasuke's empty eye sockets.

Blinking, Sasuke stared down with his new eyes at his elder brother who had collapsed in front of him, his face a bloody mess. Shaking, Sasuke reached out a hand to touch Itachi's cheek as his brother's breathing slowly came to an end. The three points of his sharnigan spun, reacting with Sasuke's emotions of his elder's death, taking the new form of the mangekyou.

Gulping, he got to his feet, sprinting out the door and down the stone pathway that lead to the exit of the district. Turning a corner, he came to a sharp stop at the sight of his elder brother's best friend, Shisui, collapsed on the ground, kunai thrown at his vital points. A man with obsidian locks stood over the corpse, reaching for the sharnigan.

While the stranger was occupied with taking the eyes, Sasuke spun around and hopped onto the nearest house roof, jumping across the various houses to reach the stone wall that protected the district. Just as he was nearing the wall, a group of masked Anbu chased after him, silver swords unsheathed. As they neared, Sasuke activated his mangekyou, lighting them on fire with his Amaterasu. Screams of pain echoed through the night, awakening the village. Shuriken was thrown his direction as he leaped across the wall. Pulling a kunai from his pocket, he dodged the pieces of shiny metal and ran towards the exit of The Hidden Leaf.

"That is why I left Konoha." Tired onyx eyes stared at the blonde opposite him, the blonde had asked constant questions throughout him explaining making it not such an easy task. Lapis blue eyes stared back at him with interest. "So, you now have the mangekyou?"


"Itachi, Shisui and your clan are all dead?"


"So then-"

"Stop with the questions." Sasuke cut the blonde's annoying pestering off, shaking his head in irritation. Weak streams of light were beginning to make it's way onto the open field and the raven knew that he still had to leave the village undetected. Dusting his combat trousers off, he placed a pale hand on the dew covered grass to help him stand up fully.

"Don't get caught going home, dobe."

"I would never, dattebayo!"

"Seriously? That outfit looks like something a bin man would wear. I would easily be able to spot you from a mile away."

Sasuke blankly watched the slowly lightening sky, a magnificent range of sapphire, golden and ruby sort of colours, tuning out the whiskered boy's distant arguing at his earlier statement.

After a while, it soon came to his attention that the blonde had stopped arguing. Shifting his gaze from the sun rising in the morning sky, he turned back to Naruto, who was currently sporting a defensive pout.

"Done now?" Crossing his arms, the raven glared down at the dobe with convincing intimidation, scoffing internally at how adorable he looked in that moment.

"Yeah yeah." Naruto shifted his cobalt eyes to glare down at the moist grass.

"I'll see you same place tomorrow, try wear something darker next time." Rolling his onyx eyes, Sasuke turned away to leave but was stopped by tanned arms suddenly gripping around his abdomen in a tight hug. An innocent grin was stretched across his soft features, looking up at the raven, all coldness from the blue orbs forgotten.

Naruto let go, waving goodbye over his shoulder as he dashed back to his apartment.

Ebony eyes tipped with delicate lashes watched in content as the blonde disappeared around a corner, a light blush dusted across his ivory cheeks.

God, that boy has no idea what he does to me.

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