Chapter 16: Can You Hold Me

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Every day was the same for the last three years. Every day I came to the wall to try to break through. I had spent hours, days, months to find a way to go to the other side of the wall. To the human continents.

To Andromache.

I still heard her voice in my head. Her cries of despair when I told her I was going to leave her.

Her tears.

Her pleas.

They echoed in my head every day of the last three years.

I wanted to tell her I was sorry. That I wanted to be her queen. That I wanted to be with her. I love you Andromache. Please forgive me.

Please. Let me through.


I jolted awake with a silent cry. I sighed. Not that dream again.

I shook the bad memory off and tried to come to my senses.

Where was I? What happened?

Only then I realized I couldn't move properly. I opened one eye and noticed my wrists and ankles were bound with what looked like faebane doped iron.

"Mor, are you okay?" asked a familiar voice.

I whipped my head to the sound, fully awake now. The bad dream almost completely forgotten.

"Rhys." I murmured. "What happened?"

"We were caught by some humans. Apparently they saw us as a threat and locked us up in the dungeon." he said irritated. I did a quick check to see if he was alright before looking at the environment.

That dungeon was not more than a dark musty room with bars. It wouldn't have stopped us from breaking free, if it weren't for the faebane doped bounds.

"They are not humans but shadowhunters. They locked us up as a precaution." Manon sneered.

The tension in the room was high, they were probably bickering like little children before I woke up. I could only guess that Manon had heard enough of it.

"What are shadowhunters?" I questioned, trying to sit straighter. My head throbbed.

"Half human, half angel. They rule this place." Adrian answered this time from the corner.

It was then I noticed an absence.

I began to try to force myself out of the iron bonds while asking: "Where is Lyra?"

I panicked. "What did they do with her?"

"Calm down, Mor. Only one of us could go talk to the superior and they know Lyra." Aelin said, annoyed that she couldn't do the talking, I was sure.

"She is fine, Mor." Adrian insured, giving me a knowing glance that I ignored.

I inhaled hard, pulling at the shackles. I didn't believe them. I opened my mind to hers.

Lyra? Lyra, are you okay? I communicated.

No answer.

"Mor," Rhys breathed, "what's going on between the two of you?"

I barely heard him above my panic. What if I had lost her too?

What if I was too late? What if I had realized too late what she meant to me?

Just like Andromache.

Lyra. Please. I'm sorry.

Then something weird happened. One moment I was in the cell and the next moment I was in some sort of fancy study. Paintings of angels covered the whole place between a dozen bookcases. I gasped.

Demi-Fae ( a Sarah J Maas based story)Where stories live. Discover now