Chapter 3: Velaris

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**Art by Avvart on DeviantArt, link in comments**


We all gathered in a huge meeting room that was filled with seats and in the middle a big circle for all the leaders. I was seated next to my mother with Luna laying at my feet while Adrian and Fenrys were placed in the back. 

I took the opportunity to look around. 

Queen Aelin and her mate Rowan took place on our left while King Dorian and his wife Manon sat on our right. I stared at Manon for a minute.. She looked so much like my mate. Queen of Witches Rhiannon Crochan was Manon's ancestor and my secret lover.


When Manon saw me looking, she gave me a sad smile.

Manon never smiled. I immediately looked away, not needing anyone's pity.

After addressing all the rulers I recognized, my eyes fell on the Seven Kings of Prythian. They all looked completely different... Pale, tanned, kind, cruel, dark, light, wild, soft,... I let my shadows crawl over them to test their magic, to see who was the most powerful.

It was then that I felt claws against my mental shields. 

Another Daemati. 

Whispering to my shadows to find the source of the intruder in my mind, I sent a burst of death at it. It flinched away just when my spies found him and I stared right in his violet eyes.

The Lord of Night, my golden friends informed, the most powerful male of the world. I challenged him with my eyes, dared him to try to invade me again.

I took the chance to explore his mind but bumped into a wall of darkness. Interesting. I let my power go over the wall to see if I could find any hole, rubbing my nails against the surface, but then the bastard threw me out. He grinned at me like I was his next meal. I gave him a cold unwavering stare.

A voice brought me back to reality. 

"Dear Majesties and Court members, welcome to The Summer Court. My name is Tarquin and I'm High Lord of this Court." Declared the white-haired male.

"High Lord, what is that?" Aelin questioned, sniffing her wine. I rolled my eyes at this sight, I had missed her typical attitude. 

Another 'High Lord' with white-hair and the palest skin I had ever seen , answered: "That is the title we are given and it's equal to King and Queen you people use." 

Aelin gave him a doubtful look. "Why not just call yourselves Kings then?" 

There was a tiny laugh coming from my right side, where another brown-haired older High Lord sat. He said: "We are called this way because we are High Fae, an elite race of all the Fae." 

My mother snorted, all heads turning our way and sneered: "And what are we then, a bunch of beasts?" 

Before any High Lord could respond, Rowan added: "We do not have any division in Fae, everybody is equal, Fae, demi-Fae, humans." 

The brown-haired man grinned, motioning for someone to refill his glass of wine. I eyed him, he stared right back. 

I let my hands form into fists, I hated him already. 

"How do things go in your Courts then?" I asked as coldly as my mother. 

The lord of Night shifted in his chair when he answered: "At the moment, no humans or Demi-Fae are living in our Courts, but we want to learn from your lands how we could change that."

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