Sleep over at kyle's house!!! (kyle x reader)

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You were in your room packing up things to head over to Kyle's house. You were super excited because one, he was your crush, and two, you were gonna try and pull and all nighter. You ran out the door with your stuff running to Kyles. You bammed on the door as Ike answered the door. "(Y/n)!" He yelled. You hugged the kid and set him down. "Kyle in his room?" You asked. He nodded and you raced up the stairs and busted through his room. "(Y/N) IS HEERREEE!!" You yelled. Kyle blushed and Stan laughed his butt off. "Nice dude..set your sleeping bag up and come sit with us." He said laughing still. You laughed and sat your stiff down setting up blankets while you all talked. You gasped and stood up. "GUYS!!! BEST. IDEA. EVER!!!" You yelled as Stab stared at you. "Why are you yelling?" He asked. "Because...I feel like it. And its the best idea!!" You said pouting a bit. You ripped blankets off of Kyle's bed and took Stan's.

"(Y/n)...what are you doing?" Kyle asked confused. "A blanket fort." You stated and tree some of the blanket behind stuff. Kyle helped as he blushed by standing next to you. "Could use help here!!" You yelled leaning back and looking at Stan. "Nah...I like seeing you two together." He replied. You blushed a bit coming back up and kept working on it.

You two finished as you laid on his bed. He sat beside you and stan looked at it. "Not bad...not bad at all..." He commented smirking. You slid off and climbed in the fort. Kyle had started to get off the bed when Stan stopped him

"Dude, your being so quiet. At school you were so excited, mostly because (y/n) was coming over!!! Why won't you talk to her now? Didn't you say you had a-"

Kyle stopped Stan short. "Dude, I'm admitting that tonight!! I was heading in the fort to talk to her now!" He said annoyed. He stood up, then crawled into the fort with her.

You sat in the fort admiring all of the blankets. Kyle soon walked in blushing a little as you turned and smiled. "Hey Kyle...come sit with me." You said looking back up at the blankets. He sat beside you still not talking much as he looked at you. He soon saw you yawn as he looked at the time. 1:20 am it read. Did it take that long? Seemed like two seconds. He wrapped an arm around you and pulled you to lay down in the fort. You blushed and looked at him.

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