🔅Chapter 4

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The next day, Chandra got dressed in a short flowery dress with a black tie. She came out of the room and Elena looked her up and down.

What? ~~~ Chandra asks.

You are trying hard to win Dev's heart. ~~~ Elena says.

Oh please, I dress for myself only. ~~~ she walks to pour herself some coffee.

If you say so Chandramukhi. ~~~ Elena laughs.

I say so, now let's go to work. ~~~ she says taking a bagel.

Why are you rushing? You want to meet your papi right. ~~~ Elena teases her.

See, I will break your head. ~~~ she was a little angry.

Okay, sorry let us go. ~~~ Elena grabs her bag.


Dev walked out of his room and wore his suit jacket.

His sister came rushing to him.

You look handsome. I love what you did to your hair. ~~~ Rani says.

I am glad you do. How is school? ~~~ he asks her.

It is a lot of work but I love it. ~~~ she says.

As long as you love it, that's the most important thing. ~~~ Dev says.

They walk up to their parents and grandmother at the dining table.

My grandson is looking dashing today. ~~~ his grandma says.

Who is he trying to impress? ~~~ his father teases him.

Bhai(brother), is there someone in your life? ~~~ Rani asks him.

No, not yet. ~~~ Dev says.

What rubbish? Don't be shy, tell them everything you told me yesterday. ~~~ Jaya says.

So there is a woman in your life. ~~~ Rani says.

Well, I like someone but it's not serious. ~~~ Dev says.

Parvati walked into the house.

We are going to be late Dev. Chandra is coming for the dress rehearsal of the shoot. ~~~ Paro says.

Who is Chandra? ~~~ his father asks.

She is going to be the face of the company for the anniversary. ~~~ Dev says.

Invite her to the celebration. Let's meet her. ~~~ Jaya says.

I have to go. ~~~ he pulled Paro along.

At least eat something. ~~~ his mother says but he had already left.

I think you are right, he is in love with Parvati. ~~~ Amitabh says.

Parvati isn't a good match for him. ~~~ Grandma says.

They have been friends for a long time, they are a suitable match. ~~~ Jaya says.

Let's match their birth charts before anything. ~~~ Grandma says.

I am sorry to say but what makes you think my brother loves Parvati. They are just friends. ~~~ Rani says.

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