🔅 Chapter 6

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Chandramukhi walked to the bathroom in the morning and washed her face. She climbed on Dev to wake him up.

" Dev, wake up," she shouted in his ear. He immediately got up. " Chandra, you can't wake me up like that." he rests his head in between her neck. " Get your butt up. I am starving," she tells him.

" You aren't a morning person." they both got up from the bed. " Especially if I am hungry." she laughs. " I have some toiletries you do your thing and I will cook," he says to her.

" You are kidding me, right? You can cook." she couldn't believe it. " I am a foodie so I have learnt," he says. " I don't believe you. Don't you have a million chefs?" she laughs.

" You are starting to judge me by my riches. Yes, we have helpers but I have learnt to cook in my free time," he says. " I will be the judge of how good you cook," she says.

He chuckles and leaves her to go to the kitchen. She freshens up and looks inside Dev's closet. She finds a white shirt and blue checker pants. She decided to wear that.

She rolled the pants up and clipped them to fit her as he is taller. She let her down. She left the room. The food smelled very nice. She hugged him from the back.

" This smells very nice," she says. " I hope you like it," he says. " I rarely get to eat an Indian breakfast, I love it," she says.

He turned to look at her and was surprised at her wearing his clothes. " If you weren't an actress you would be a great designer. You make my cloth look even better," he says. She smiled. He plated her food and went to freshen up.

When he came back she hadn't eaten. " What are you waiting for?" he asks her. " It would be rude to eat before you when you did all the hard work," she says. " You are so cute." he sat beside her and they started to eat.


Jaya walked into her son's room to wake him up for breakfast. She found the bed made. She thought he was in the bathroom and knocked on the door. She didn't hear a response and the shower wasn't on. She went in and didn't see him.

" Do you know where Dev is?" Jaya asks. " I haven't seen him since yesterday," Rani says. " He didn't come home last night," Amitabh says. " Where is he?" Grandma asks.

" The gatemen called me this morning that Dev hasn't come home," Amitabh says. " Call Paro, see if he is in their house," Jaya tells Rani. Rani called Parvati and asked if she had seen Dev.

" Mom, Paro hasn't seen him," Rani says. " What is going on?" Jaya was worried. " He is a grown man, leave him alone," Amitabh says.


Elena was worried. She hadn't seen Chandramukhi since the last night and it was now afternoon. She was going to call Chinnilal but just then Chandra and Dev knocked on the door. 

She opened the door for then and hugged Chandra tight. 

" Where were you?" Elena asks. " We stayed together at his house," Chandra says. " Sorry for making you worried. " Dev says. " So how was the date? What happened?" she says eyeing Chandra and Dev. She smirked. 

" Whatever is in your head, isn't what happened?" Chandra says. " I didn't mention anything," Elena says. " Well ladies, I have to go now," Dev says. " I wish we could spend the whole day together." Chandra hugged him. He kisses her forehead. 

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